Genshin Impact 4.2 Weekly Boss BGM (Unfinished)

BGM 2 – Updated Version

#原神 #원신 #GenshinImpact

00:00 BGM 1
03:13 BGM 2


50 thoughts on “Genshin Impact 4.2 Weekly Boss BGM (Unfinished)”

  1. Some parts of it sound really similar to the 4.1 trailer!! Knowing what we know now about the fortress of Meropide, and what's below it, that could have been a musical motif foreshadowing Ptahur's theme!

  2. Oh hell yes, distorted electronic music? Must be an omen of the Abyss if you hear that in-game, given the music choices in the Marana theme and Childe's third phase.

    This new weekly boss is gonna go INSANE.

  3. 我個人感受是米哈遊做的音樂真的品質下降很多,高度重合的片段、詭譎的聲音或更可以稱呼為"雜訊"、沒有按照黃金比例製作音樂,可惜啊,真心希望陳致逸老師回來

  4. I really like how from the beginning to up to around the 3 mins mark it sounds like a mix of themes like Monster Hunter's Devil Jho or Bazel with some of other Genshin's OST like Childe's or Signora's boss battles.

  5. 今までの ボスBGMって「勝つぞ!」って雰囲気ある勇ましいBGMばかりだったけど、今回のは「なんだお前は…」って感じのただただ気味悪い雰囲気のBGM。 勝てる気がしないっていうのか。

  6. imagine that as we venture down into the abyss and more into the newer stories, the cutscenes will slowly get more modern music and eventually have actual lyrics in the songs like in the honkai series


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