Genshin Impact – 16 Feb: New Spiral Abyss 12 has all stages with 420 sec for 3 stars!

16 Feb 2021: The new spiral abyss has the 420 seconds (7 mins) requirement for 3 stars for all 3 stages, which is a first. I am not in the position to judge if it is the hardest Spiral Abyss they have came up with (Referring to that old Spiral Abyss 12 where you are always out of stamina), but I am certain it has been a long time since I truly felt the need to have a good healer as buffer for my mistakes as the mobs hits really hard.

In my observation, it is best to group up both Geovisharp, Ruin guard and Ruin graders to maxmise your DPS. Freeze comps work extremely well in my opinion.

12-1 Geovisharp – For both stages there are 2 of them and they will perform a jump attack twice in succession. It is likely the Geovisharp using element attack will inflict the element onto themselves.

For 1st half one of the Geovisharp will use electro attacks with floating electro balls hovering around the field, the other Geovisharp will use Pyro attack which causes explosion/eruption below your character.

For 2nd half one of the Geovisharp will use Hydro attacks that channels a water column onto your character and the other will use cryo attacks that generates ice spikes from the ground.

12-2 First half – Cicin mages, electro and Cryo: The cryo flies will constantly refill the Cicin mage’s cryo barrier, if you have a wide aoe attacker or pyro this will make things easier. Alternatively if you have Jean, environmental damage is optimal

12-2 Second Half – Treasure hoarders and 2x Fatui Agents – Freezing them or using Anemo character to group them up for group aoe damage will be optimal.

12-3 First half – Ruin Guard: Aside from the usual Ruin Guard missiles, spinning attacks, buddha clap etc, the environment will have shockwave effect dealing damage as seen on 5:50. Defeat the Ruin guard with the Geo aura (Golden aura) first.

12-3 Second half – Ruin Grader: When this robot walks, he can also damage you with his foot. Covers a great distance just by walking. Has long range laser beams that deals massive amount of damage. Always aim for the Ruin grader with the Ice aura effect, note that the annoy ice claw mechanism from the old Ice Spiral Abyss 12-3 is back once again.


26 thoughts on “Genshin Impact – 16 Feb: New Spiral Abyss 12 has all stages with 420 sec for 3 stars!”

  1. I hate the new floor 12, the last one was pretty easy and this floor is so annoying and difficult for me since i main razor and most of the enemies have physical res 😣

  2. I cant wait to get my own venti next month!. Tho, I will have to replace ganyu with klee (Klee, mona, venti, bennett/barbara?). My Xiao team however lacks his best supports like zhongli or arguably jean so xiao, sucrose, XQ and barbara is my go to team i guess. I hope I get either jean or qiqi for my next 50/50.

  3. I absolutely hate damage sponge content like its so dumb. It takes too long to get a fully fledged team for abyss. I cant even get 2 supports above level 70. I bet it will be another half a year before budget and f2p players have enough power to 9 star this. I leveled like 3 weapons to 90 and im alrdy out of mats. I have Mona at c1 for weeks now and shes still stuck at lvl 60 with a lvl 50 weapon. Also cant afford to upgrade her talents or artifacts either because I used it all to raise my main dps and I still need a 2nd dps like fk off with these restrictions.


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