Why we have to be cautious going into Genshin Impact Patch 1.7.
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Sorry to everyone with me saying there's is a lack of leaks. Now looking back at the video it does sound like I'm saying there are NO LEAKS. I meant to say I have not gotten as much leaks recommended as previous patches. Which means people are searching for them less. My bad D: Please forgive, these discussion videos aren't scripted so at times words don't come out right.
I can't wait for Yoimiya 🙂
You are crazy if you think I am waiting 3 months to explore an entire region……. If thats the case I would expect that most players would be furious, As we didnt wait months on end only to be restricted to only a part of Inazuma.
This guy is so negative
Tbh I’m just waiting on a Xiao rerun lol
Imagine Baal drop before anniversary.
I'm eager to find out this friday what new contents will be released and will be watching your stream walrus as you definitely give out great reviews and contents
Also content is locked behind the Sakura tree their are 50levels too it and beta testers played for like 10 hours 4 days straight and they only got to level 14
I’m here for endless fights. I did score, iview this game as a fighting game, that’s what I find the most enjoyment out of. I thought dungeons to get artifacts, or talent material. I don’t specifically play this game for story quests. I want more battle oriented things. And ofc, higher 5 Star drop rates
Don't need translation for livestream, EN stream will be on Twitch, starts at the timing as CN stream
I keep seeing videos saying how harder it will be. But I'm not worried since I'm close to rank 40…
2:50 Dude where have you been? There are ton of inazuma leaks on honey impact. Patch 1.7 is patch 2.0 and it’s inazuma there are no filler. Why are you saying there are no leaks
End game? whats that? :v
pd: I was afraid to open this video, maybe it was full of leaks… But it wasn't, tyvm
Me who have already see a lot of the new enemies, gameplays, 8 new characters, plants and at least 6 pr 7 new namecards looking at there are NO LEAKS.
Inazuma is definitely coming. Kazuha's ascension materials are the biggest proof. 😎
1.7 being filler would be hillarious, but no I think first half will come in 1.7(2.0) then there will be a break for the ani update and after that we will get the second half of inazuma in 1.9(2.2)
Now that you mention the pent up frustration, really seems scary to see that.
I was waiting for ayaka but now there's baal, i am soo frustrated wether to complete my cryo set (ganyu eula rosaria) or electro set(lisa beidou keqing)
People getting fined and banned for leaks.
Walrus: where leaks?
END GAME I hate this term
Everyone waiting for Inazuma while im waiting for ganyu re-run since 1.3 because i didn't get her, i need that waifu so im skipping 1.7 banners too
Late ahahaha
They should just let ppl use an api based on their uid/account so that open source developers can make optimizer softwares. Like imagine logging in with your genshin account somewhere third party website which have features like optimising team from current assets against a particular boss, an abyss floor or simply maximum possible dps. That way they could focus on game dev and let the community make use cases.
Ah yes 'lack' of leaks
Me, on the other hand: Got slapped with Inazuma leaks on the thumbnails and titles enough to have blocked them all.
So now yes technically speaking, there's now no leaks for me anymore
We’re having Cross Save, guys! PS5/PS4/PC/Phone and possibly Nintendo Switch.
I heard that there's no: 1.7,1. 8, 1.9. the next update is 2.0 🙂
From the leaks, they’re only releasing half of Inazuma and the interesting parts like that huge and the end for the archon quest is also coming the patch after the next. Also Inazuma will have the boats and from the leaked videos, Inazuma looks great and I can’t wait to see it for myself. Also there will be a system that let’s you switch an artifact to a different set.
Huh? How do you give away Kazuha? Did I miss something?
Inazuma is definitely overhyped but it's 100% Mihoyo fault. It's not really players job to lower expectation but rather it's Mihoyo job to live up to hype that they created by their development decision.