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Leaks are starting to appear for Genshin Impact 1.5 and Mihoyo has addressed their concerns! Lets talk about WHY I HATE LEAKS and how they are bad for the game! While I understand people counter arguments, this is what I think should be done instead!
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#GenshinImpact #GenshinLeaks #Mihoyo
I wasent even gonna talk about this, but Mihoyo response lit the fuse… Anyway keep the comments civil.
Me f2p: oh ok….
F2p need months to prep their primo.
someone gonna get fired over this 😭😭 like how did it all get out there
in my opinion leaks are beneficial to the public and the company, because there are companies that let things leak from their games because it makes people anxious for this new content of this game
yeah, Thanks dude. I will try not to see those leaks of this game ever again. Because I respect what you did… I respect how stand up for them and I respect how much hardwork they are putting in. So yeah. This video really opened my eyes. Thanks.
Wouldn't need leaks if MIhoyo is more transparent about upcoming content. I am not even talking about banners, but rather give us a general idea of how close Chasm and Inuzama are to getting released. We are in a content drought right now and the leaks are what continue to keep the player base motivated. Besides that, it's impossible to prevent leaks if you have public beta testing anyway. This whole announcement is pretty moot.
Genshin Impact community becoming toxic, Honkai Impact 3rd community however still a good one.
Why does your thumbnail look like a tectone video.
I don't understand why people are so nonchalant abt leaks, they say what can mihoyo do to them etc but they don't realise the harm they cause.. like gamefreak hates leaks and tracks as hard as they can but at the end of the day they don't give 2 shits abt player opinions and people will buy their games and thats a fact.
Mihoyo isn't gamefreak… They need that money to provide us with good content… I love honkai and genshin… As much as i to get excited for new chars… Not one whole update before they release….
So many including me are still disappointed that ayaka is not in the game…. Hu tao ( due to Chinese beliefs) was not announced and that cause an uproar despite mihoyo never stating hu tao as a playable character. If the 2 new chars are real I'll be happy bit simultaneously I'll be sad if they are not or there leaks cause delay. Or worse the character getting scrapped or changed.
Leaks are the best thing in this shit game
1.4 and 1.5 are pure bullshit ❤
If they don't add new content and just want us to spend money then fuck them
Good thing u guys are there to simp for them and eas the pain….
Personally I think they should have went with how Honkai system is right now or even an improved version of it. At this point they're just repeating the cycle of how Honkai was at the start. But it is still true that what these leakers are doing is wrong.
1.4 is up for like 2 day and those leakers already showed 1.5
No wonder they are mad. imagine the shit yall working on for months and you keep it a surprise for your parents for example and suddenly your brother decide to tell your parents the surprise killing the shock factor.🗿
This man spit facts
As a Chinese Genshin&Honkai player, I think this issue is a conflict between global players' hunger for new content and Mihoyo's lack of capacity. Mihoyo does need to take actions to improve the security of players' accounts and increase the capacity for new contents as much as possible. But as players, we may should not maliciously do things that cause trouble and loss to the game, or ruin the experience of other players.
So lumie and others are saying "Yeah im a thief but the owner of the hause left window open so its their fault that i robbed them, i only robbed a little but the other thiefs stole whole hause"
Finally someone who understand how game development work, and care about spoilers, you gain my like.
Well, I heard that those secret tester signed a contract with Mihoyo before, so I think it's normal for Mihoyo to act like this
i agree that we need to give Mihoyo time to cook. i totally agree. it’s a Herculean task to create a great game of this caliber. although I understand why the community loves leaks: something to look forward to and gives people the ability to plan ahead or when to splurge their primogems. but for Mihoyo’s point of view, we all need to understand it’s a business. Leaks disrupt their plans and profit.
On a different note, i only partly agree about the Zhongli thing. the unbuffed Zhongli was no where near the pinky finger of Venti. yes the community complained but didn’t exactly “bully” Mihoyo. at the end of the day, that was Mihoyo’s ultimate decision to buff Zhongli. As long as Venti exists, no character (for now) can surpass the broken-ness of the wind-borne bard. Venti makes nearly everything super easy. So if they buffed up Zhongli, I’m ok with that.
I always trying to ignoring leaks.Because of leaks,I didnt roll for few characters because of leaks.It just ruining the hype and else.
it's really silly that twitter goes out bashing out of mihoyo for "leaks are illegal, and they are so ridiculous" I hope this kind of behavior stops really soon ;-;
Now that I see from a clear point of view, I understand that people are mad about account security and I am to, but what really upsets me is leaks. I wasn't even hyped for Hu Tao from her leaks because I already knew what to expect when she was released. Leaks might hype a person up or cause someone's hype to die down. Mihoyo works hard to design and develop characters just for someone to leak them and cause a bit of pickle. Might even cause them to scrap the characters completely and start over. It's just time to hire game testers or something because leaks are getting out of hand.
Man the advantage of leaks for free to players is not about having the time to prep materials is about knowing where to put primos since they are so scarce for them. If hu tao wasn't leaked maybe a lot of them would have pulled for xiao instead thanks to the leaks they were able to make a conscious decision (remember that if it wasn't for the leaks no one would know se was even to be released since they didn't show her in the 1.3 presentation). And regarding this particular case no the leaks that crated the mess weren't from the dataminers, they weren't from beta testers, the leaks arrived after Mihoyo by their MISTAKE made publicly available the 1.5 beta files and when some got a hold of them they reuploaded those files so other people can obtain them.