Genshin Has Never Been This Low | Genshin Impact

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24 thoughts on “Genshin Has Never Been This Low | Genshin Impact”

  1. i think this is normal. players will get sick of it eventually. i got back because of Yae Miko banner, then im kinda just logging in, burning my resin and logout. then eventually go back to Ark or whatever sandbox game im currently in (NMS, Minecraft etc)

    again, if they're gonna follow suit with how Honkai is right now, its a slow burn of few boring repetitive updates then same events with occasional Archon quests, then rinse/repeat until 3 years of content and now they have alot of things to do — players will still feel the monotony of doin the same thing everyday and get burned out

    this is where triple A games come in, theyre here to fill that void of boredom and let us get occupied until something happens with our gacha games. An equal coexistence

  2. It's getting borring day by day same stupid abyss with no challenge and no good events or anything now days all i do is dailys and few domain runs not much to do genshin need need sumthing like half hour long dungeon or sumthing crazy

  3. Realistically majority of the Genshin Community (that isn't on Mobile) don't treat Genshin as a Mobile/Gacha/Arpg like Hoyoverse/Mihoyo does. It's treated as an ARPG/Gacha w/ Time-Gated Elements.

    Incoming Replies along the lines of: "Normie" "White Knight" "Boot Licker"

  4. I like how everyone is reporting on this stuff like this isn’t what happens with EVERY SINGLE GACHA GAME. they milk the players for what they’re worth while they fall off one by one until the game is shut down. it’s literally by the books.

  5. Honestly after playing non stop since childes first banner I finally quit the game. I started playing ffxiv and haven't felt the urge to touch genshin in weeks.

  6. I really like Valk's format. Some of these topics are important but other channels will milk those ten minutes and it's honestly pretty annoying. As he's saying, there is barely any new substantial content and making videos unnecessarily long that can be summed up in a strong paragraph or two statement inaccurately reflects the actual number of various activities the game offers. It's not the CC's fault, it's Hoyos.

  7. Mihoyo really hasn't fixed any of the players major concerns like resin, artifact rng and lack of endgame. I don't think they ever will as long as money is flowing in, they simply don't care. The anniversary was proof enough. Sticking around for long just isn't healthy or enjoyable anymore.

  8. I'd love resin rate and cap increase, daily commissions getting you more primos(1 wish), more regions to explore, and more story content, even if it is something like albedos last event which was alot of fun.

  9. People are getting bored even of new characters . mihoyo relies a lot on hyping new characters to get players back to the game and spend money , but yae mikos banner , one of the most hyped characters prove that people are actually quiting the game for good . I myself got tired of the new characters hype and careless now about them .the game is literally dying now especially with the new mmo titles lunched that dominated the gaming industry . A huge part of genshins success was the timing . Covid made it that all games released in that time were absolute garbage , so there was no competition for mihoyo .now things are different .lots of players moved to lost ark or eldin rings . I know they are entirely different type of games but if you enjoy a new game , then you most likely gonna drop the old boring game ( in this case , genshin ) .

  10. i mean this patch is actually not interesting so it is normal
    and the next patch chasm will and should be rise back
    and it is quite toxic more then support and give opinion the game in the community
    what they should do is do more fun contents which can keep players instead of just giving primos
    giving primos to let player calm is quite wrong and stupid
    Make some hard fight and big battle which will make people need to play more and more time to pass will be good
    more events more map and more quest is needed
    but i meam this is smart to be lazy in this patch cuz too many good games can play in this period

  11. Main thing they need to do first is give a roadmap. Give people expectations. Thats where leakers have been saving their ass and got condemned for it. So to not have too many "spoilers" they now only put out 1 character at a time which made it less exciting to follow a whole month for 1 character to be revealed and if its not one for you.. good luck next month.
    Genshin never has any news.
    Elden Ring just came out and everybody jumped ship to the far superior game with actual rpg elements. Instead of the on rails paimon speaks for you all the way so shut up and accept your backseat, main character.

  12. Genshin should wake up and add end game content. People get bored doing the same thing. Commissions, burn resin then log out. I really love this game i hope they keep the fire up to the players. I hope they add more levels of abyss where the rewards maybe a 5* weapon or standard characters 5* harder abyss for better rewards.or something that makes a player motivated to keep playing the game. Artifacts farming is the most boring thing to do now because i can clear abyss 36* with my artifacts now and characters i have.


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