GENSHIN FANS ATTACK WUWA SKINS ?! Wuthering Waves & Genshin Impact Skins Comparison

Genshin fans are now attacking the new wuthering waves skins spreading misinformation but also especially comparing the ONLY 5 star dilluc skin with the new announced jinhsi skin thats comes with brandnew visual combat effects and a whole set with weapon appearance & so much more ! this is just weird. but lets talk about it!

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31 thoughts on “GENSHIN FANS ATTACK WUWA SKINS ?! Wuthering Waves & Genshin Impact Skins Comparison”

  1. The Jinhsi skin is cheaper than $45, if you have the 9 monthly subscription you get the skin and 150+ pulls for the same price. For those who subscribed from launch the skin feels like a giveaway.

  2. In current discount it's 30$ with the bonus. the 1980*2 one. but even so it's around 45 USD if you bought the Lunite Subscription nine times then buy the discounted skin. If we remove the discount, then it'll cost 50 USD.

    Overall, the cheapest you can get the skin is for 30$ but only if you have the Lunite first purchase bonus, If not then I guess the cheapest would be the 45 USD continuous purchase of Lunite Subscription nine times and even so you can get more value out of it with nine months 90 Astrite per day. This skin has more value for being in that price range to be honest, it had a complete change in every aspect (Weapon skin, Sound, Animations and Etc.) so if you can afford it, it's worth it.

  3. It's literally 50 bucks man without the discount. That's what they are looking at. The discount is temporary so it's fair to ignore it as later on it'll be 50 forever. The shop has a 49.99 3280. Before taxes.

  4. Sorry I don't know if Diluc has one but the skins in Genshin do have other profile pictures the you know that you can use.
    I play both games, but I think I will pass on the skin because I don't have money for it, and probably will rather save it for something else like a new phone.

  5. wuwa literally gives an entire gameplay visual change, juรจ s colour changed, jinhsi sword change, and her eyelashes, makeup, other than the clothing, and you get to equip her on your player id or whatever with the same colour pattern and set, 50$ is pretty cheap for all of that, compared to 20$ for just the appearance change in genshin. coming from a genshin player..๐Ÿ˜ญ (you can tell by the profile pic)

  6. yeah i left genshin becuse of wuwa becuse they dont relly care about the players, i tried to get back to it, just try it but after playing wuwa… i cant relly play genshin its hell.

  7. Imma just say there is more countries then just the US๐Ÿ˜ข for me as an australian with the discount its about 40 dollars and without discount it is 50 dollars . There is more then one currency in the the world guys

  8. Jeez just please compare it with the in-game to in-game situation. Why the hell are you comparing the in-game skin to a freaking trailer in the first place? Are you really afraid that your opinion just straight bias and stupid? Come on man.

  9. Even if the skin is good, 50 $ is way too much for a skin, you can literally buy a whole new game with that amount of money, like come on a skin is more expensive than a WHOLE GAME??? even 10 dollars for a SKIN is way too much

  10. it is really bad even the Diluc (I bought it on the first day and they didn't even bother making the hair as accurate as possible). that is why I won't buy the newest genshin skin even that character is on my top favorite. it's just a skin that doesn't even have a special animation

  11. Im a working man with stable income, so there is no way I'm not shoving money to wuwa, i will buy anything from them even if its a little pricey, Just remember how they overworked themselves, its time to pay those efforts of them

  12. not defending the price, but they do get an ult and weapon skin change from the skin, which is wild. so genshin won in price… but thats about it. though i will say points for thigh highs genshin, good job.


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