Genshin Boycott is WORKING but… | Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact Drama has hit a new high. Big creators such as Tectone, atsu and many others. The CN drama has been pushing the global Genshin community to take a stand but a lot of people are trying to silence the movement by directing attention and pushing fake stats and ignoring the data. The recent Genshin 4.4 livestream was the catalyst but since then with the Genshin CC Drams it seems everyone is forgetting the real problem with Genshin impact. It is important to discuss the 4.4 banner sales and how they re spreading a false message around that a boycott is not working. The Genshin Boycott is working and don’t let anyone else tell you other wise and today I’ll show you the full picture. Hope you enjoy.

Full Boycott Documentary:


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34 thoughts on “Genshin Boycott is WORKING but… | Genshin Impact”

  1. NOT Monetized like usual, Pretty Burnt out from making these videos and been taking too much time away from studies right now, so it may the last video on this topic a little while, just want to remind people of the ROOT problem & that we have a voice 📢📢📢.

  2. they don't deserve us. So you actually SHOULD leave the game until like they completely change their ceo and strategy. Hear me out. You actually should leave the game for even more than month or 6, just to understand how they milk you like a cow, in a most abusive way, what they do to your mental health. If you feel anxious and depressed about leaving the game – you probably understand what they want. They give you nice emotional content, new zones, characters and stories, etc. But they make you literally work and live in game as like you live at work 24/7. They use your desires as drugdealers and ignoring the rest of you as a person, they just want your time and money, they don't and won't improve the game in future as we'd like and expect it be. They smile and ignore. You can try to win. But it won't be worth the whole drama and boycott. They see the whole thing. But they prefer to ignore us. And that's the trick that gives them more money they can spend on other games. Don't try to prove you deserve quality game content. Leave. Until it's too late. Don't lose yourself to gacha game.

  3. i already quit genshin a few days ago and the only thing that can being me back is END GAME content which means i probably wont be coming back. however i atleast want to be wrong about it.

    edit: im spent a lot on this game.

  4. I spent nothing since Furina, not even a battle pass.

    I don't see any reasons to pull [specific character] because they all the same, I have over 70 characters at 90 lvl and unable to use them.

    I'm only going to pull archons with free pulls, they won't trick me again.

  5. I don't think C6 means anything after all if the level of difficulty doesn't get raised. For me passing Spiral Abyss is enough when I get all the rewards so there's no point topping up. I really don't understand HYV. I mean they make their living off whales who spend for C6 😂

  6. It seems you missed one factor that
    There is a point with the boycott and there was 2 times this game got karma or you can say the consequences if the boycott failed.

    While the 1st anniversary boycott failed to make the dev listen, few patches later around near patch 2.4 the game got basicaly ccp censorship with the 4 character which is rather poethic with how mihoyo did silence player criticsm like disable the user signature edit so they had to paid the price by tasting their own medicine, you can see there still player coping that it was fix skin but the fact lies from their description regarding the outfit change they basicaly said they pretend previous outfit doesn't exist so basicaly censorship but they make their words fancier lol.

    The 2nd consequence this game got was also few patches later after 2nd anniversary while no one join boycott and only make fun of the game and the naive defender chanting buzzword like grateful. The person that give karma this time are the leaker that leaked fontaine early build and these leaker group even have the balls to make fun of the game internal security and their horrible management with the game. Hoyo try to counter it with the entire cringe "Hoyo hunt decree" as if like some sort of baddass story but sadly it never work out, even in CN after they did fined a leaker way back. These leaker in the end still make money from leaking the game ,yes there are people willing to pay you to leak information young folks, Piracy are complex industry.

    Now here after 3rd anni and are on lantern rite, it show the amount of unresolve complaint from the miit and the fact that there is still alot of privacy security complain specificaly only to prove player that has been took their research for long time that their account security and even their internal security to prevent leaker are still a joke even after implement 2fa code. But here is the question will there ever be the 3rd consequences? I won't be suprised there will be and generaly it took some times to accumulate just like the previous consequences I mention. Will it be hoyo working enviroment and the state of it document got leaked? Natlan or even Sneznhaya archon story and exploration mechanic leak? Or maybe even worse?! Who knows I'm not even surpised if we get it anyway.

  7. What’s crazy to me is the lengths this player base has to go through with Hoyo just get equal treatment as HSR and HI3, GAMES CREATED BY THE SAME DAMN COMPANY.

    It speaks volumes to me that they could implement so many significant changes with so little effort and they just refuse to listen. Goes to show you how much Hoyo values us as consumers.

  8. Those active players numbers are inflated by the market of selling insta-wish accounts. If genshin does not appeal anymore to the population, it will hurt that market and will decrease the active players weekly. Boycott is working but the problem lies in the actual production cost of a patch for Hoyo. If they really make atleast a billion per year while only requiring $12 million in every patch, the boycott itself without it's consequences can only hurt small of their sales which is not a problem for them. The ratio of magnitude sales vs the production is believable to be insane. I can only imagine that marketing is the one that plays a big part on their expenses. But the weird thing is, we are not seeing the billion revenue reflecting to the players and company's actions. If they truly are, they would have just went out and send in the first 20-30 pulls without a problem. Where's the anime? Blue archive going in fast with their anime production. Where's the collabs? Again, Blue archive had their second collab on their game. FGO had already a bunch with the global coming. Can't produce a music video with actual well known artists on the international space? Even TOF had already one. What's with the numbers of hoyo? I wished they really had multiple collabs already just like other games. Clearly they only got one and butchered it. I guess no wants to after that? Doesn't make sense if they are really earning billions. Where's the money going to? I know they are the corporate but people bought their stuff to expect quality from them in this competition.

  9. Just an idea for endgame, utilise coop for harder modes, strategising and locate them in old 1 time domains, but revamp into raids. Incentives could be skin shards 🙂 Make our character building efforts worth it. One of the things that gets to me about Genshin, is that it's such a beautiful game, but it feels so much emptier after you've 100%'d the map. Ofc, I've feedbacked such ideas enough times with the version surveys and the apathy regarding being listened to is high.

  10. Your proposal seems as coherent to me as burning cars in a protest against climate change. I advise you to study more and notice that Genshin is being guided by the logic of: profit > popular acceptance. The voice you speak appears to be incoherent when it comes to "protests" because the company only needs to have enough money to remain stable until the community is unable to sustain the "protests". and before saying that I have negative positivity, I just have to say that I have class consciousness, I know that the problem is the logic of profit, not the amount of waste we do for a capitalist company focusing on profit above the community

  11. Reading the comments, it makes me SO happy to see people are stopping spending. Even if it's just for one or two months, IT MATTERS. Even if they just used to spend 15 USD, IT MATTERS. I'm proud that people are starting to listen. If only a small portion of people spend money, it will impact their earnings.

    I am in mexico and I consume a lot of genshin content in english. I'm not the only one, I can guarantee that.

  12. As a new player that started Playing during 3.8 when wanderer and kokomi had a rerun,i was so excited to play and REALLY looked forward to lantern rite,but now that I'm experiencing lantern rite, I'm quite disappointed at the rewards/primogems count. Everyone was hyping it up as if it was gonna give 100+ wishes,like where tf are those wishes and primogems y'all were talking abt huh?!?!?!?🤨 I've seen so many players say that lantern rite will give us 16k primogems or more,and i REALLY had my hopes up,but it got destroyed after i saw how little primogems lantern rite gives. Not even a full 10 pull😀

  13. I totally agree I just started a youtube channel to just even spread awareness I hope people are able to refer and make love for the game. If you love genshin, you should do what’s right.

  14. Even as a new player's perspective now i finally reached AR 55 i would like to share some thoughts about genshin i had i enjoyed the game as a new player but even as what everyone says it is great till AR 55 i will say that is not true the amount of time genshin requires is just too much and yes you will enjoy for a while but after woards the lack of rewards starts getting to you The 50 50 mechanic is already very bad then to insult us even more the amount of rewards they provide are just too low it's like be a cash cow or live a miserable life I heard many people say it is F2P friendly ik that fact but yk what everything boils down to us playing with the characetrs we like if we just can't get them or have to wait 6 months up to an year then there is no point in playing the game secondly people who say wellll…. we have exploration I will be honest noboy likes doing that crap we all know why people do it for that is to get some primos and lastly I have lost every 50 50 in this game so am even more furious towards this game since I waited soo hard and then just lost 50 50 again but currently i am trying to get nahida atleast so i can be like everyone and just use hyper bloom after getting her i am going to uninstall the damn game since I want our voices to be heard

  15. I want to give some information about review bombing since I'm an app developer myself. Getting good reviews or having high app store rating is very crucial for companies. It works like a free advertisement for new players to try the game. Also big companies like mihoyo are "buying" reviews to increase their overal score on app store and google play. And guess what "buying" reviews is not a cheap thing even though mihoyo has infinite money. They cost aaa loooottt! So with every negative review, you are making them spend more money on fake reviews. I already gave negative reviews with multiple accounts, so you should too. I guarantee you it will work. #BoycottGenshin

  16. Before doing some bullshit put this in mind that the Designing of a single characters including Animation, Design, VFX etc takes months of preparation and work.
    First comes the planning and they have to work on the smallest detail that isn't even clearly visible. Then comes the bugs that appears after implementing the character into the game and making sure that it interacts with the environment without any issue. Then running tests after tests till they are satisfied with the result then they release the character.
    People out here crying over primos and other stuff while doing absolutely nothing and being a waste of space and unnecessary exhaustion of resources while insulting people who work day and night sometime without even sleep. As a person with knowledge and experience in Game designing, Animation, VFX, Programing and Character designing i know how much time and effort it takes so if i don't like something i remind myself of the effort that had been put into it so i respect it.
    ( The problem isn't them it's you, if you don't have money to buy stuff blame yourself for being unsuccessful in like cause unlike you they are successful and they deserve every penny they get)

  17. Faster spawning rocks/more rocks when you break rocks, unlimited weapon exp crafting, Gadgets should have faster cooldowns, no stamina usage out of combat, enemies in the overworld should be grindable for decent FtP resources, should have a mini invasion in the overworld where you have to clean up an area to get good bonus resources, more mobs in the overworld in general, textures need to be updated, More Domains like the old Domains where you go through them, movement needs to be updated (just make people 25% faster in general), FPS cap needs to be unlocked (so we don't need to use an unlocker), bosses shouldn't take resin to fight, remove commissions, more expeditions and make the expedition rewards better, all characters should be doing things in the overworld and you can find them and enjoy a nice chat or funny event and get some items etc, Dark Iron Sting needs to have it's refinements available ingame, there should be more FtP weapons from each region 3 stars and 4 stars in general, you should be able to see Ghosts as Hu Tao, allow us to upgrade 3 star weapons into 4 star weapons with special items (4 star White Tassel baby), double or tripple the rewards in chests, allow us to toggle world states in picture mode (to take pictures of before and after we cleared an area like the big forge in Fontaine or the Mausoleum of king Deshret or the Chasm spire), allow us to toggle the UI in dialogue so we can also take pictures without the UI, they should let us view our pictures taken in fullscreen (I need this personally because ingame screenshots saved don't have my Nvidia filter settings on them), you should be able to delete Alloy from your account if you want, remove the cap on investigate spots and monster kills, there should be more forms of interactive lights like the one from the chasm, all items you delete in inventory should give you something at least some mora, there needs to be ways that Co-op is beneficial maybe add more things that give rewards that can be done in coop, Battle pass needs more levels and faster progression, Zhongli's weapon needs to be fixed to be more in line with other Archon weapons. There's endless things I could come up with if I just leave this up and type but I think that's a lot so far.

  18. Good video but honestly would be easier to spread if it wasn't so long that it's a commitment to listen to it. I can share it but I think many will see 33 minutes and not bother.

  19. The thing about Genshin is that the current rewards and quality of life would be something good when the game released.

    It’s been 3 years and we have a total of 5 regions and a ton of characters…. With so much content that exists it’s impossible for the current quality of life to sustain it…. I’m sorry to say but it will indeed come a time where the Chinese government will point a gun at Mihoyo and make them choose between giving us what we need or shutting down the game

  20. Despite no Welkin, what’s the point of it’ll all repeat? and the fact that nothing changes and it’ll be the same old content with only characters being the exciting things in a patch. Sometimes even not. So personally for me it’s not worth it for me to spend welkin and I won’t. It feels so easy.

    And once you get that new character, it’ll be the same thing except new Pokémon that’ll keep you interested for a bit until it repeats and repeats. So I’d rather play the game Free To Play :3

  21. when pple boycott in a wrong way. note there alot of returning player ATM it not a gopd idea to be a toxic role model for these returning player. if you are burnt out take a break. I don't like ya lazy whaler. genshin can be f2p

  22. bru i gotta say, ur approach to such a volatile situation is commendable.

    just made me think tho, if hoyo is trying to fake numbers for damage control, whats to say the numbers havent been crunched the whole time

  23. my main issue with games (not just genshin) is the fact that they are repetitive this is consistent with most games. and i feel games like Honkai have more variety making it better for the long run


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