Ganyu or Zhongli? and how to build a team in Genshin Impact


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25 thoughts on “Ganyu or Zhongli? and how to build a team in Genshin Impact”

  1. Zhongli is good for every team, ganyu is good for most teams but not all, however she is good value dps and freeze support. I will say though, C6 Xiao is a very technical character to get the best value, and if you are not into reading the flow of battle, timing his dashes and counting out which side you end up on the multi dash, you're not going to like him as much as a hyper sense battle Xiao player.

  2. This should be a guidebook for every people who always jumping on stream asking every banner.

    What is the most character I really wanted to is Mona.. I'm playing since the day they launched the game and spend every banner cuz I'm a collector but still don't had Mona until this day. I do watch and sub on Mona mains and people who promoting Morgana comps just to add some salt into my wounds. 😂🙁

  3. I was soo stupid i rolled for zhongli by accident since I'm f2p i saved a bunch of resources everyday and saved pity to but due to my stupidity i didn't get the character i wanted just be careful guys

  4. If u want to know if a character is worth it, you need to find out: can u build a good team with or can you build a good team around them, so Xiao is not worth it because he does more damage with a 5* weapon, so your Xiao will suck… ¯_(ツ)_/¯

  5. I had 30k+ primos. Lost to Jean on Zhongli's banner. Then got gaureented Ganyu. Then got Zhongli in first 10 pulls after Ganyu. Then went for weapon and also got Amos' bow and still have 6000+ primos left
    Edit: Amos' bow is my first 5 star weapon


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