Theorycrafting of GaMing, the new 4* Carry of Genshin Impact
00:00 GaMing Fundamentals
02:06 High Melt/Vape Potential
03:32 Constellations
04:30 Does He Need Xianyun?
07:06 Melt Teams
08:34 Mono Pyro
gmail: [email protected]
Affiliated to Yomiholic
IMPORTANT: Forgot to add favonius on the graphs: fav on rosaria, kazuha, furina, on all teams
Also a typo, it's not atk goblet and circlet like in the graphs, but pyro and crit. Specifically, EM/pyro/crit is the best build at c6
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And he is Free :O wow
Another episode of "Don't sleep on the 4 stars!"
But the 5 best characters in the game are 4*
Theorycrafting now is pointless, because there is no chance that his stats are surviving to release.
Plunge characters best characters
Liyue = never not good
He's the inverse of xianling. While she's of field he is an on field driver. Ex. Gaming, chevruse, fischl, and beidou. Or. Gaming, sucrose, candace, barbra.
would ATK% Goblet be better for him than Pyro dmg ?
No way hoyo wont nerf him to Dori tier. Also, no chance he will have synergy with a featured 5 star on the same banner.
But isn't the 2 piece effect of the Marechaussee Hunter useless on him since he is mostly going to do plunging attacks? Is it rlly worth it to farm the complete set just for the crit rate of the 4 piece?
nah hes fucking dogshit (so hoyo wont nerf him now)
Ffs Hoyo 🔥🔥🔥 we already have enough Pyro dps characters 🔥🔥🔥 give us Pyro supports or sub dps characters you idiots 🔥🔥🔥
I really like his animation, but I also love Arlecchino and there’s a good chance they’ll both be pyro dps😭
finally, 5 star diluc
the Liyue bias really jumped out for GaMing lolol
but fr he looks like a lot of fun and im pleasantly surprised with how well he’s competing with 5 star DPS characters?? hopefully he doesn’t get nerfed too much between now and release🤞
Liyue 4 star strikes again 🎉
inb4 nerfs lmaoooo
also i have thought of a team that has a much faster set up and shorter rotation
bennet EQ > kazuha/sucrose E > chong QE > gaming QEEEE
and ofc you do normal attacks in the 3 second downtime while waiting for skill to reset to apply cryo for melt
its specific setup that i think can work if you don't have bennet C6
hey, could u try doing cloud retainer DPS calcs? i feel like she might be actually viable, but im not that great at teory crafting
Can he work with like furina/albedo/bennett? I got navia's axe and i'm wondering about cristallize with him
For the love of god can someone calc dragonstrike Diluc/gaming with c6 kaeya/cloud retainer/bennett?
Dont capitalise the M in his name REEEEEE!!! On a serious note, nice vid as usual
How much better is diluc with CR and Furina? Does he compare to Gaming dmg in the same team? Can you make a video on that please? I can't think of any other old dps that might benifit from CR jump/plunge enabling.
Im not hopefull. He need to survive 3 weeks of changes…
Why Atk/Atk/Atk and not Crit/atk/pyro?
Considering GaMing is from Liyue and Hoyo hasnt made any Liyue characters in general outright bad(Zhongli well he wasnt that bad tbh on release LOL) on release I have some hope that GaMing will be a solid unit in the game and probably the best 4star on field dps character. Cause right now the state of pyro on field dps is lacking Hutao is still top tier, lyney is okay while Klee and Diluc are shafted. Xiangling is only 4star pyro that does good dmg but she is sub dps, burst reliant, ER hungry, and always needs bennett.
I am so excited for this character, he looks insanely cool
At c6 he's as weak as C0 Yoimiya, what is this dude on about? :DDD
would he work with akuoumaru?
I like how you base your knowledge and assumptions here based a lot on the animations because those rarely if ever change so the info stays relevant. Good job!
Two things! Love love LOVE the images you used to represent Ga Ming and Cloud Retainer.
And the other is couldnt you theoretically just auto attack with cloud retainer since she’s a catalyst to proc swirl? It should be just as fast as Kazuha e (or maybe even charge attack if it’s an AOE situation)
Some people seem to be trying to compare this fellow to 5 star onfielders, i have no such expectations. He's cool. I will pull this one. He'll probably be weak and a pain to build at C0 but i already like his design. Since lantern rite gives a 4 star for free, i can get him without pulling and as such i wont.