GACHA VENTi SAMPE NGAKAK | Genshin Impact Indonesia

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50 thoughts on “GACHA VENTi SAMPE NGAKAK | Genshin Impact Indonesia”

  1. i don't need to understand this guy to know he is not very bright. he already has venti and he is goin for constellations on him and of what i think that he is also going to do it for childe. venti has garbage constellations some are ok but not worth the money even for a whale. constellations on childe is even worse because if you watch tectone it makes him worse so idk why anyone would go for his constellations.

  2. Menurut gue sih ga ngaruh deh misalkan habis dapet B5 yg pasaran seperti diluc atau jean dan lainnya lalu nextnya dapet B5 limited karena gue aja habis dapet ganyu dan pull ke 40 setelahnya dapet hu tao.

    Karena dirinciannya kan emang 50:50 buat dapetin B5 limitednya.


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