New Skins Coming in Genshin Impact?!
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I don’t think they will be skins
It’s a character cafe they will do here in Japan
So they have Arts for the inside and coasters like for the Kentucky collabo
Holyshit albedo skin, I'd buy that even tho I don't have him
Doesn’t This work for 4 stars weapons also like don’t expect f2ps to do 180 pulls
bro albedo skin and im playing him
Oh God, I don't think I could handle it if it's a skin, I'll fuckin cry, I need to get art commissions going asap if it is cause God my wallet is crying at just the idea
Imagine getting the characters skin but dont have that said character ;
i will do anything i can to get my hands on that Albedo skin if that even is an upcoming skin pspspspspsps
Albedo hair buff when mhy, we want more f l o o f
If the fate points can be kept even after the banner I would wish on the weapon banner. The new pity is trash ngl
What if we dont win the 50/50 ?Lets say you wanted weapon A but you get an off banner weapon , will we still a get fate point?
Albedo and klee skin… Without actually having these characters
They are not skins; they are for an exclusive event in Japan like KFC Noelle and Diluc 🙂
Mihoyo pretending the new pity system for weapons isnt as garbage as the last one
Trash system for f2p, only catering to P2W
YEAHHHHHHH, I'm still not wishing on the weapon banner. I'm just getting characters
It’s so dumb you have to pay for skins if you have the characters you should get some kind of free option like having to do lots of hard challenges
Hello @WillisGaming. I was wondering how to get unbanned from your discord server. Idek how I go banned as it was a while ago.
Now I remember why I have NEVER rolled for any weapon banner before and only characters banners.
RNG was an even bigger pain than the other banners. And this system isn't helping. I'll save my Primos for the characters instead and try to find a way to use free to play or craftable weapons.
When he mentioned Klee skin I knew..
…I'm no longer going to be f2p
I always click when see it's from willis cuz his content is guaranteed to be great
I JUST GOT KAZUHA AT TH 23TH PULL!!!!!…… apologies Will, wanted to say it :p
I have Klee but the skin will probably cost money
No matter what they do weapon banner is always the scam banner
Where's the collab with McDonald's?
Ah yes I'm still waiting for my KFC skin for Diluc
Bro I’m already to broke to buy jeans skin but i want it now there’s 2 more skins?
Me who never even pulls on
On the standard banner or the weapon banner
Oh yes in terms of useless this is useless to me.
what the fuck really just put an image to stretch it out to 8 min mark ??
Pls let them separate, I'm just an unemployed guy who loves them both :')
Fuck I knew I should have kept my albedo account😭
imagine just imagine
at kfc
Noelle: D-diluc san I think you overcooked the chickens
at a certain coffee shop
Albedo: Klee your just brewing the coffee right?
The weapon banner changes only benefit whales so useless for most of us
I just pulled with my 3 months saving of primo and I got one 5 star char… Weapon and it's one of the be… Worst weapon in the game🥲🥲 ye dumb luck
Why don't you just select the one you don't need so the first 5-star weapon pull will be the other one which is actually the one you need? 😂😆 This fate thing is crazy. 😂
Albedo skin is gonna be the reason I'll no longer be Free2Play, remember me folks
I'm graduating to Forced2Pay
I don’t even HAVE Albeido, but I got 30 Dollars prepaired 😭
They should do this path thing for 5star characters.