Freminet is a new 4-star Cryo Claymore user on the Phase 2 banners of Genshin Impact 4.0! Freminet is an on-field DPS that can deals both Physical and Cryo DMG. This video discusses how to play Freminet, his constellations, best artifact and weapon builds, team synergies, and gameplay tips. #Freminet #Fontaine #GenshinImpact
4.0 Spiral Abyss Guide:
Lynette Guide:
Fontaine F2P Weapons Review:
0:00 Freminet Build Guide
0:24 Kit & Talents
2:45 Attack Combos, Talent Priority
4:16 Constellations
5:02 Artifact Build – Physical/Cryo Stats and Sets
7:06 Weapons – F2P to 5-star
8:22 Team Comps – Physical, Cryo, Hyperbloom, etc.
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BG Music
Fontaine OST (Hoyomix)
Freminet Theme Music EXTENDED (tnbee mix)
What about the bell!?!?
Wow never thought that Frem has a great kit. Hoping to get him
Does a cryo Freminet (E Q E E E etc…) benefit from the passive of Katsuragikiri Nagamasa R3/R5? I think I have him on 2BlizStr/2GoldenComp.
honestly freminet is probably the most fun i’ve had in ages, i think i might main him even if he’s not meta
You literally pick a karma path like an Infamous game lmao
But did you have to hurt the blubberbeasts?
The amount of fremont in the search result is funny 😂
He definitely caught my attention when leaks happened and just played his trial today and I like it
When I saw him in the livestream I knew he was going to be better than his brother and sister his gameplay is far more engaging and that's swimming talent thank the heavens for it
Man, i thought someone's finally meant to use The Bell lol
But why does hoyoverse shows him with that clock claymore???
The only reason i was excited for him was for bell using, now am dead
I'm forced to know this because I got C5 Freminet from trying to get Zhongli
Rip off cryo Diluc😂😂😂
Currently building him and pulling for zhongli I want his shields to let the boi bonk
I thought he was a cry diluc
I got him on Pale Flame and Skyrider Greatsword
I haven’t been a big user of claymore characters because of how impatient I am with the time is takes to swing the weapon but Freminet’s play style feels less slow and looks very cool so I’m excited to be building my first claymore :3
Ah well, I was hoping he would be a Bell user. It would have suited his aesthetics to a T. Guess my R5 Bell is going to continue collecting dust.
Freminet is so shy to come home yet 😭 He is so adorable no matter what!
i tried him out and he's the cutest bean ever. i love his playstyle too, thank you for the guide !
Can someone help me? Is Freminet, Xingqiu, Kuki and Collei a good team?
Nice guide. I have him C1 just for collection but I don't think I'll ever use him. I don't feel any personal reason for me to use him phys since I have Eula… As for shatter… I don't know, the main reason freeze team has worked so well for me is for enemies to stay frozen inside Ayaka's burst and its considerable damage.
I don't really know what team I could fit him into. Maybe I'll try an on-field cryo dps in a hyperbloom team, in open world, but I don't think I'll seriously invest in him.
well ,honestly freminet better than eula in terms of meta in my opinion
Its a male unit. Of course hes gonna be a broken 4*
God i wish i could build em but i fished chougyun team just now amd don't have supplies lmao
I was annoyed/disappointed with Freminet's release and build. From his art to his preview, he was shown with the BELL. I thought they were finally creating a character that worked with the most dunked-on absolute trash weapon of the game.
Then in his demo he doesn't even have the damn Bell, and his kit is just….like…EVERYONE else! Guess my R5 Bell will sit in the box and I'll keep grinding the others into level up materials when pulled…such a bummer. I thought the Bell would finally have a use. It felt like false advertising for what is simply 'Cryo Claymore User #3'.
if i don't get him im gonna cry.
wait a minute that's he?
Wait.. I thought Physical doesn't scale off Crit and ATK but only scales off level and EM?
Thank you so much for making this video, my friend recommended it to me after I got Freminet and three of his constellations so it was a bit hard to understand his play style and what would be good him kit wise and what kind of artifacts that can be tossed to him. This will be helpful in helping me figure out what position to give him on my team. Thank you much!!
is sacrificial greatsword good for him?
i was able to get c6 fremi when wishing for childe and zhongli. i can’t wait to build him 🙂
If i already have an R1 lvl 80 Archaic im not using and im building a physical Freminet should I go for R2 Snowtombed or just R3 Archaic?
can i play physical freminet with xiangling and electro ?
idk why every time I read SevyPlays as SexyPlays
“If a future unit can manipulate teammate’s hp”
Hmmm I wonder who…..
Soo pull furina to use that set