Fontaine Archon Quest Act 5 is PEAK Genshin Impact

Fontaine Archon Quest Act 5 is PEAK Genshin Impact



I love playing Genshin Impact, especially on stream, so feel free to come and watch the story unfold with us!


#GenshinImpact #BranOnline #miHoYo


20 thoughts on “Fontaine Archon Quest Act 5 is PEAK Genshin Impact”

  1. Hahahahah Furina suck ahahhahaha🎉🎉🎉🎉😂 (and I'm a little disappointed that the consequences of such a flood were not left in the game, that is, broken trees, a lot of water and so on)

  2. Furina not reacting to anything and just going "i'm tired and i need to rest"………..she definitely needs that rest, and she earned it………..also someone wants to pay her a trip to the therapist?

  3. Its not like Ei at all.

    First off Makoto was the true archon while Ei carried out the dangerous tasks behind the scenes. Makoto dies and now Ei becomes the archon. She then creates a puppet (Shogun) and she basically hides her consciousness inside that body. The automated body has its own conscience, but she at all points is effectively the archon in the same body.

    Focalors instead created an oceanid familiar that is a clone of herself. The archon then integrated with the oratrice with the gnosis in it. Furina was a lone, simple human without any archon authority or powers. The fontaine archon has always been inside the oratrice.

    EI had the full power as an archon, and with an enduring body that was erosion proof. She had it easy to display her powers and command people. In the other hand Furina was a simple frail human with not an ounce of archon powers or true authority. In other words Furina had it more difficult, yet she managed for 500 years.

    In the case of Nahida, Ruka left an Avatar of herself. It is in essence a clone of sorts. Again, even if in a weaker state, she still had the power of an Archon. Again, Furina never had it.

    So while the concepts might seem similar, it is all different in the end. It is not the same and it is important to understand why, else her story loses all meaning.

  4. Really annoyed by a lot of the comments made during cutscenes, like at the end of the prophecy cutscene. Like dude, they wouldn't do something like that at that moment and its obvious as hell to anyone with half a brain and you gotta start laughing during a damn good emotional spot. Also earlier when he talked about cracking jokes to avoid crying. Maybe I'm being picky there but thats just really immature and it isn't fun watching people like that.

    Bran you had been fun to watch but somewhere along the 3.0 timeline you got a lot less fun, and was so excited when you started getting more into lore but also he doesn't stop to think half the time and its just incredibly annoying and frustrating. So much of his confusion would be cleared, or the incredibly off base comments wouldn't happen. Oh well. Best of luck to your future man!

  5. I remember when they showed Furina walking out of the Opera Epicles after the water had subsided. I burst into tears because I know that she immediately realized she was finally…FINALLY Free and that all her suffering was not in vain. That scene mixed with the music really hit my heart. By far the absolute best quest in the game. It will be very difficult to top.

    Awesome reaction Mr. Bran. it's been a very long time that I've watched an entire video that's this long. S Tier reactions!

  6. The theory of Fatui reviving Nibelung is abit sketch because if I'm understanding correctly, the gnoses only houses the elemental dragon's power/authority, in which Neuvilette has already taken, which leaves the gnosis "empty" of the dragon's power. If they were to revive Nibelung, wouldn't they need ALL of the dragon's powers still within the gnoses?

    This implies that the purpose of them getting the gnoses might lean more on having to do with the 3rd Descender than Nibelung. Because clearly the gnoses have a level of power to house the dragon's power to begin with. Might be a reason why they made Skirk give that lore bomb on the topic of Neuvilette giving it away.

  7. People who trashtalk just because Aether sounds so disappointed in his "fine" to Furina, know that it's the VA's fault. In CN and JP, the Traveler's responses don't sound annoyed at all. They sound reassuring because they understood the situation.

    This problem is also the problem in Furina's story quest. In CN and JP, Paimon's tone toward Furina doesn't sound aggressive or insensitive at all. But in English? It's her VA that somehow thought she has to sound annoying.

    EN voice in Genshin has been the most troublemaker in the development of this game. Other languages barely have any problem, but English voice direction is creating problems here and there.

    VAs like EN Aether's, Lumine's, and Paimon's are the most annoying ones. Genshin wasn't big at the time so the studio thought they could assign incompetent VAs for the main roles of this Chinese out-of-nowhere game. This is even more evident when you see that the VAs for the later parts of the game are almost all talented and competent VAs, unlike Aether's, Lumine's, and especially Paimon's. It would be very fortunate to have them replaced with others who are more competent.

  8. 4:28:08 oh I didn’t realise we were friends with Dottore now. Because we only have 1 Harbinger friend (Childe) and a couple Fatui members as friends. La Signora was no friend of ours, we actually got her killed. Dottore is no friend of ours, and if the game tries to “redeem” him after everything he’s done or justify it as “for a good cause” and people actually eat that shit up I will be beyond disgusted. Even Lyney has expressed caution about his “Father” and now that Fontaine isn’t in danger of annihilation Arle is just as likely to be our enemy as our ally. And Wanderer does not count at all, especially after having erased Scaramouche from the history of the world.
    We have been actively working against the Fatui! It is only in Fontaine and Liyue where we worked alongside the Fatui, and even then in Liyue they ended up stabbing us in the back by releasing Osial and trying to destroy Liyue to draw Morax out of hiding. So no, we have not been working with the Fatui for the majority of the regions, we have been doing the exact opposite and I can’t figure out how the fuck that idea even got in your head. Saying we’re friends with the Fatui as a whole is just honestly dumb. And until Nahida or Venti give them the all clear I will continue to view the Fatui as sporadic allies of convenience at best, with outright antagonistic presences akin to the Khaos Brigade at worst, held together only by the Tsaritsa, who acts as the Ophis in such a scenario. Why specifically Nahida and Venti? Because Nahida is wise enough and has enough info from Irminsul to determine whether or not we can trust them, and Venti is both an excellent judge of character and has more than enough reason to be skeptical of the Fatui’s goals and methodology


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