FOCALOR is INNOCENT, her "Justice" is the problem | Genshin Impact |

Genshin Impact Focalor or hydro archon is NOT the real hydro archon? only her copy?

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27 thoughts on “FOCALOR is INNOCENT, her "Justice" is the problem | Genshin Impact |”

  1. Well if anyone remembers from the start of the game, it said that out of the 7 original archons only 2 remain meaning this Focalors is not the real archon but someone else but who is the real question.

  2. i feel like it’s a situation similar to inazuma, where ei wanted to achieve eternity but made many sacrifices because of it. maybe focalors is seeking to achieve justice/peace for everyone but it’s unable to do it without manipulation and force? something like that

  3. From the leak… she's sub-dps/support like XingQiu but sacrifice HP (I don't know if pay HP on activating skill like HuTao or continuously like Xiao burst… and who's HP? Her HP or active character HP)
    God of Justice… Symbolize by scale… you got the power/buff but also pay with your HP kind of character?
    (If it's true… I just want to say… she'll be best friend with HuTao in no time)

  4. Sorush revealed to us in our 1st meeting that the previous Hydro Archon’s “divine consciousness still wanders the mortal realm”. Whether Mihoyo decides to do anything with this curious detail or not is another thing, but it’s possible Focalor’s will be related to the previous hydro archon similar to Nahida & Ei’s situations and it’d explain her mismatched, glowing eye! I personally hope Mihoyo has something like this planned behind it, how fascinating & refreshing of a plot it’d be!

  5. maybe the Archons Quest will take inspiration from French Revolution in 1789 between Royalist and Republican or Third Revolution the war between newly establised 3rd Republic vs Comunist supporters

  6. I know it's hard but I would love for her to be evil and give more work than Raiden did, the only villain that had a big impact so far was Raiden and even she changed sides later, the Fatuis are not the main villains and Raiden has proved to be a great villain and so far only she has reached that level would love Focalors to be worse than her, we need more emotion in Genshin and more strong villains even if she changes sides later I hope we can face her before that.

  7. Players who played genshin for sometime will already know a new nation surely have problem and the traveler will help solve it, and most characters who appear to be bad will actually be given a reason to why they act that way. The formula is the same, players only need to look forward to what story will it be this time in the new nation

  8. I think It can be right I was thinking about same thing lol. There are 3 options (nahida said she has unique personality because of that..) 1-sadly no plot twist at all, she is one person and she does have flaws in her mind about justice and other things that’s all 2-just like you said, she has two different forms and ruling Fontaine time to time changing when different situations come 3- 2 separate people ruling the Fontaine and they are opposite. But all people think they are one and same.
    It’s a region similar to Inazuma, but the archon is not similar to ei(she won’t cause any war or bad things) I think. But fatui will cause problems in the area and we also know Fontaine has some energy problems so they’ll link all together maybe.

  9. Maybe we will have to help the Hydro Archon judge the fatui members in Fontaine… or maybe the fatui will persuade the people to judge the Hydro Archon 😮

  10. i think some leaks said that there are 2 rulers in fontaine so this could make sense. But they also said one is the actual archon while the other is a God that wields the element of geo which doesn't make sense to be an alter self. Maybe focalor is is corrupted or smt and we as the traveller need to side with the geo god to bring back focalors kind of like us siding with the resistence and miko to bring make ei realise what is happening. Howeve I doubt hoyoverse will repeat smt similar to another nation so maybe this coulld happen in reverse where we help focalors to being the geo God to his/her senses, but again that would be like the sumeru archon quest so idk…

    But I personally think there is something wrong with focalors rn or smt which resulted in the oceanid to oppose her…


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