(First Clear) Diluc Vape + Nilou Bloom | 3.7 Spiral Abyss Floor 12 9 Stars | Genshin Impact

“We heard Travellers are having hard time (in a bad way) with Concentrated Beast, so here you go, 2 Waves of them, on last chamber, Have fun suckers!”
-Hoyo, Probably.

00:00 12-1-1
00:56 12-1-2
02:52 12-2-1
04:34 12-2-2
05:57 12-3-1
07:28 12-3-2
09:06 Nahida
09:33 Nilou
09:57 Collei
10:24 Kokomi
10:47 Diluc
11:14 Bennett
11:33 Kazuha
11:51 XQ


Megaman X1 – Boss Intro
Megaman X1 – Boss Theme
Megaman X Legacy Collection – X3 Boss Theme
Megaman X DiVE – Jakob Orbital Elevator
Megaman X8 – Jakob Orbital Elevator
Genshin Impact – Twilight of Serenity

#genshinimpact #diluc #nilou #spiralabyss


29 thoughts on “(First Clear) Diluc Vape + Nilou Bloom | 3.7 Spiral Abyss Floor 12 9 Stars | Genshin Impact”

  1. At least I don't need to bring bow so I can use raiden for my alhaitham spread while having slot for a zhongli

    Still stuck on surviving-dealing enough damage against Thunder birb after reclimbing btw. Chamber 3 left

  2. I'm going to be real this is the hardest abyss for newer players because the lineup choices for second half seems to be too specific, scuffed, or it needs to be relatively more invested.

    Can't imagine how casual players will be clearing the second half of the Abyss. The top half is still sane though I have to admit.

  3. this game is getting annoying every abyss release. from 2 consecrated beasts from the old abyss to 4 consecrated beasts are the example of how lazy and stupid hoyoverse comes up on content with no new mechanics

  4. Hoyoverse know only to make what annoying into this game rather than let's players have fun in challenge way…..

    we got a pair of Hydro and Dendro Consecrated Beasts, how about we make it's double and become 4 Consecrated Beasts in single half…. and what worse is this pair is most annoying pair to me

  5. im glad i stopped myself from doing a ten pull on mikos banner since im guranteed and near pity, getting kazuha would be so helpful for this abbys for my ayaka team, i usually run freeze ayaka but it looks like im gonna go for a melt team for those annoying abbys heralds again

  6. Can you give advice to my abyss team
    My uid is 865542100 asia ( hope you are asia too )
    Pls help me give advice to my showcase characters
    I’m planning to put the wanderer team at second half and nahida hyperbloom on the first.

    Give me advice on if I shld change some of them to other characters please help.

  7. I ended up having to switch my teams out for the last chamber 😑 But I did find out that a ER Yelan could solo the Thunderbird alone so that was cool

  8. I have swept Abyss since release and this is the one that actually broke me with how insane these multiple waves are. Consecrated beasts are cancer as hell. No point learning consecrated beast attack mechanics since you can't i-frame their "I will push your character forever" moves.

  9. This abyss took me 4 hours to beat with Nilou Bloom and Childe International. I swear to god, I don't know what Hoyoverse was thinking when they thought, "OH, LET'S ADD 4 IN ONE FLOOR!"

    Like bro, this is ridicious. It's not even fun, and not worth doing it for 600 primos. I feel so sorry for the casual F2P players out there. I hope your sanity is normal for the next couple runs, my dude.


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