AYAKA 22K TO 355K Nuke Tutorial ! Step by step EXPLANATION!! I talk about genshin theorycrafting and powerful dmg showcases
don’t read
i didnt showed the last step in video its :- do this in floor 7 to hit more than 500k dmg cause i actually losted that clip somehow and dont wanna record it again but trust me do it in floor 7 to increase your crit dmg by 120 %
i tried to keep the showcase f2p friendly so thats why i didn’t used mona or even sara and not even kazuha and
other channel – ?
discord – https://discord.gg/Esw78bhY
unwelcomed school
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if only i had jean kazuha and the amos or venti
1:04 why did you use extra shot on the side
I would try this and get like 20k
Is it possible for a replacement to sucrose?
What set should I use on jean?
can i add kazuha instead of jean and add senhe?
First thing i see and wow ayaka right below how disgusting of u silly sword wanabe worse damaging cry 5 star dps hmm
f2p ganyu gang where y’all at :3
bro, I lost the off rate on the Nahida banner at the start and now I'm really worried because the banner has a few more days left and the pitty is still 61
if it's a suggestion from an old player better take ganyu or wait for kazuha to return to 3.7
My high damage with her is only 225k
came for unwelcome school xD
Can you tell me why every single boss he misses one shot everytime?