Explanation of Furina's Crying (Easter-Egg) is Fontaine LORE Related | Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact 4.0 Fontaine has Focalor’s Cry as Easter egg, and the reason behind it might be her true personality.

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21 thoughts on “Explanation of Furina's Crying (Easter-Egg) is Fontaine LORE Related | Genshin Impact”

  1. After i heard and uploadet this yesterday i also came to this conclusion. She's afraid of beeing alone and i think "just how much longer….?" could mean how much time left until the prophecy become reality? I think we will save her in later quests…… just as always… traveler healing broken archon.. and save city from danger. I want more Khaenri'ah lore…

  2. Mabey the fountain of lucine has the power to see the future or something or Mabey the previous hydro archon did something to the fountain that the next hydro archons consciousness will be connected to the fountain

  3. Tbh I think that Furina is scared of being abandoned and left alone, so he does whatever she thinks will please her people. Even if it goes against what she really wants or thinks. To her, keeping the people of Fontaine entertained is the equivalent of staying on their good side. Her people want a duel between her and the traveler? She makes up a reason to make this a reality.

    She is this one unpopular but rich (or in her case powerful) kid that tries their hardest to be part of the cool kids, trying to please them at every turn, getting exploited by them bjt ihnoring it, because she also fears that they will turn on her or at least leave her in the dust, should she let her real personality slip.

    On the flipside, she is desperate to keep up her image as the god of justice, but actually fumbles her way through it. She tries to paint a picture of being all-powerful and omniscient, someone who is worthy of judging others, even other gods. Where in reality, she is rather insecure about her position as Archon, but does her best to fulfill the expectations of the citizens of Fontaine. This is also reflected in the way that her people do value and respect her (somewhat), but do not exactly worship her. They even call her by her normal name (Furina), not her divine name (Focalors). She is too much of a people pleaser to be an actual figure of authority.

  4. I have a few theories, but my main is that Furina is just "putting up an act". That's the reason she had to try and make up a lie when the Oratrice declared Childe guilty. If people's faith happens to shake a bit in the justice system, that could mean disaster considering that the energy coming from it is really important

    And if people lose faith in the justice, they lose faith in her, which is why she is trying to appear all mighty, to keep her people faithful to her. I believe she is trying to break this prophecy, and the source of her power (her people's faith) is an incredibly important aspect. We can see her break this person for a bit when Childe was delcared guilty. You can even hear in her voice how angry she got.

    And now since we can hear her tears, aka her most intense emotions, it's probably understandable why she is the way she is. She is basically as old as Nahida and her predecessor left her with a task that is pressuring her daily. I cannot name it perfectly, but the one narrating at the start of the Overture teaser, might actually be the previous hydro archon. "The original sin is the fairest, everyone sinks". This doesn't sound like Furina or anyone at all, but it does sound like someone that actually made this prophecy about Fontaine dying.

    My other theory is, that Furina is not actually from Fontaine, or not be the God of Justice but rather something else. Maybe she is not even an archon to begin with. She's really scared of having an actual duel which would display her skills in front of her people, which would make them more fanatic, however she always refuses and gets nervous, which is pretty dumb considering that she needs people's faith in her. Could also mean that she is "forced" into this person of being the god of justice, fontaine's archon. This could explain why she is crying for it to end as it is too much to bear.

  5. Sooo, hear me out.


    My headcanon (yes not theory, but headcanon) is that Furina has a split personality. One of her personalities is flawless, confident and awestriking, but arrogant, while the other is collected and smart, but shy and always scared of people's eyes staring holes into her.
    These two personalities were once one, but Lady Furina didn't want to feel like that anymore and has found a way to split her personalities.
    She decides for the first personality and rips her "bad" parts out, but still sees value in them. She knows that her other she is a talented judge, and therefore places her in the thing we know as the Oratrice Mecanique d'Analyse Cardinale.
    The voice crying in loneliness, heard at the fountain of Lucine, is the same as the voice Lyney heard during his expedition to the core of the Oratrice Mecanique d'Analyse Cardinale.
    Now the reason the Oratrice Mecanique d'Analyse Cardinale declared Childe as guilty, was not because of him being somehow involved, but because she has made contact after a veerry long time (Lyney) and has found hope. She tries to get attention and maybe be set free in the end.

    Now I know that this headcanon will be dumb after getting the rest of the Archon quest, but I like it and I'll keep liking it for the time being. Thanks for reading ig.


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