The WANDERER (Scaramouche) + FARUZAN & TCG Teasers?! 3.3 Genshin Impact Reaction

Scaramouche (aka The Wanderer) has just been drip marketed along with a new never before seen character, Faruzan. There are also TCG details revealed talking about the PvE nature of the minigame. Let’s talk about these exciting new updates for Genshin Impact 3.3!
#GenshinImpact #Scaramouche #Faruzan

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35 thoughts on “The WANDERER (Scaramouche) + FARUZAN & TCG Teasers?! 3.3 Genshin Impact Reaction”

  1. Okay hoyoverse, ik i missed venti on my anemo only acc, but giving me 2 new anemo characters to pull on for compensation seems a bit excessive…

    side note: when looking at the image on twitter i didn't even notice that Faruzan was anemo so i was supprised when sevy mentioned that she was xd

  2. Scaramouche looks like a hydro character and I love it! It's really boring that characters used to be so strictly related to one color in different shades. Dark blue as an anemo character is refreshing. I've also always enjoyed how Beidou has the sass to wear red. 😁

  3. I wonder if the Anemo vision will happen thanks to the upcoming storyline. I was also thinking that maybe his electro scaramouche persona will be made available to purchase at a later time in the form of a 5 star dress, like they did to Diluc.

  4. Wait wait wait…. his name is gonna be "the wanderer"? Wtf had this idea…. maybe in a few patches we ll be able to play with "the archon" or with "the bricklayer"…

  5. wanderer will consume the other 3 party members during his ult period and create a unique new character depending on the characters consumed during his ult. it will snapshot.

    i dunno the math.. but there will be over 100 character combinations and unforseen abilities and ults. also each new character release will offer more value to the wanderer.

    mihoyo is a great company and very generous who cares about the community and end-game content!

  6. @Sevyplays I think its even weirder that Scaramouches' Vision is also a Sumeru shaped vision… why not an inazuma one? it really does raise some questions as to what is going to happen in the story and his story quest.

  7. I think that the reason why scaramouche gets an electro vision is because he's simply moving on from the past and that [in my own understanding] the anemo vision kind of symbolizes freedom, so I think that's kind of fitting for scara


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