I believe this deserves its own video, so here I am presenting you all with every characters voice lines about Navia!
Hopefully you all will like it 🙂
ft. Neuvillette, Furina, Wriothesley, Lyney, Lynette, Charlotte, Freminet.
Music Credit:
Hoyoverse and Hoyo-mix
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Neuvillette is honestly a great man? (Hydro dragon sovereign deity) i could see him as a father figure that navia could ever ask for.
Freminet, precious shy child
Wanna know Navia's favorite brand? Nivea.
Navia is a ball of joy and sunshine and normally I would say she needs to be protected…however seeing her swinging that giant ax makes me believe she can take care of herself.
What agreement Wriothesley😮
ok, seriously now….what happened between Navia and Freminet, for him to want to avoid seeing her?
I want to pull for Navia but I always get reminded of Silver and Melus when I see her…….
Best bros ever.
Navia deserves all the love ❤
Cause we all love her ❤
Navia I’m still waiting for those cookies you make
i was skipping her until the archon quests now all my primos belong to her + i made a bunch of fan art of her
Wait isn’t navia an orphan? Or is her mother alive?
question about navia for me is why doesnt she have anemo vision
With furinas voiceline I wonder if navia ever has a child and she is in the same situation as her father callas will she pull an callas on her child?
Imagine navia have a voice line about melus and silver
So is Lynette calling Navia 'Big brother'?
To be honest, I though she was some celebrity in fontaine who living the rich life and suddenly got wrapped in Fontaine conflict.
I never expected her to have one of the best arcs in the Archon quest.
Furina is right, She's indeed Strong.
My Third Favourite character in Fontaine AQ below Childe and Furina ofc.
In her teaser when she was looking for Aether,
Was she looking for a partner or a husband? 😉
Navia is an Orphan though 😅
I like how Furina is talking about Navia in her genuine voice.
Lynette wtf, sue just wished her to be a orphan just to call her sister
The whole furina quote has me screaming at her like, like you?!
She’s such a ray of sunshine! ☀️
Other fontaine journalists: Try to write bad news about Navia
Charlotte: "I'm gonna put some dirt in your eye"
Interesting, i wonder whats the agreement between wriothesley and callas
Lynette: I know I shouldn't wish for anyone to become an orphan
Navia: cries in Callas
Every time i hear Lynette voice line i feel like i want to cry
0:12 too late
I hope I can win the 50/50 here; I was riding high bringing Ayato and Cyno home!
Neuvillette describing their rift is just…. AUH, his words