EVERYONE IS WRONG, Raiden is Broken | Genshin Impact

#genshin #raiden #broken

they hated him for he spent 4 days of pure testing to find the truth

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22 thoughts on “EVERYONE IS WRONG, Raiden is Broken | Genshin Impact”

  1. TLDW:
    Insane teamwide unconditional energy recharge to the point of absurdity. Allows you to play like a total pepega and still just spam bursts.

    Imo the community is too focused on set ups and reactions, turning your brain off and just using your skill, your ult then swapping showcases how dumb this unit lets me play. She is INCREDIBLY powerful, but also creates a unique position for herself.

    My Discord: https://discord.gg/hdUTxrE

    My Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/VaIkyrjaYT?sr=a

  2. YESSS, Finally! Thanks Valk, being saying since the start Baal is a burst factory, she is literally meant for constant bursts with the E skill buff, her burst is just the closing rotation meant for energy recharge with the added bonus of having some dmg worked into it via her passive.
    Electro buff would be nice but she is great as she is now, Time to go fishing XD

  3. I think as an archon she was over hyped to begin with and situation with Beidou became a trigger. Spamming bursts off cool down sure is fun, but it is not optimal you will be missing out on elemental skills and if you are using elemental skills you could achieve similar burst uptime with proper team building. With Raiden you could use "Random bullshit go!" tactic and still be able to use your bursts, but that's just fun and not meta. I run her in Kazuha, Xingqiu, Ayaka team and it works well, but it works well not because of Baal, but because of other 3 characters. On top of that this low/high tide stuff further ruins her experience. She feels fun, but underwhelming at the same time

  4. Baal is broken in my opinion. I never in my life had my Q ready so fast and kill enemies fast as well . I love her . She’s amazing . I really don’t understand why some ppl want op characters. One shot and u re done …

  5. I want Raiden to FEEL good. And aside from the fact that this looks boring as all hell, a problem I see with this is, there's a lot of characters that have bursts which require field time; Beidou, Xinqiu, Eula, Xiao, Noelle, Razor, etc… It just feels very limiting, and as you said, brain-dead. In fact, this basically removes any synergy with some characters that most wanted to see paired together with Baal.

    The simple truth is that I don't care how good she is at clearing abyss (I can already full clear it). I care how awesome she feels, and burst damage is a big part of that. Mihoyo gave us the expectation that the Mussou No Hitotachi KILLS, and quickly, and the only thing I'm seeing is support.

    Also, why did you say you couldn't showcase her in floor 12? Too much HP for Baal to deal with?

  6. Yeah, the only people claiming that she's weak are just slapping on whatever F2P weapon they have a long with a bunch of average artifacts. They probably aren't even hitting the required ER thresholds (above 250% ER) on her and claiming that she sucks. I literally called that this was going to happen before she even came out.

  7. So after hearing this, I wanna ask if it's still necessary to go for the full emblem set if you're not focusing on damage. I have a 2 piece emblem and 2 piece thundering fury/noblesse that pumps out a lot of er. Is that okay?

  8. I wasn’t exactly up to date on what the community think lately but they are saying that chain burst across all my chars on the team insane dmg on her ult decent supplementary dmg off her e for ults and very fun gameplay with some peak eye candy is bad? Ok… yeah she should take down the servers when she ults too then she will be good


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