Eula preview: Is she worth to pull? + Giveaway summon – Genshin Impact

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37 thoughts on “Eula preview: Is she worth to pull? + Giveaway summon – Genshin Impact”

  1. dude, you're somewhat of a dick, but i got my free artifact farming from you, so i love you for that. i gave up on rosaria after getting barbara, favonius lance, and 2x fischl. I hope to get yanfei, not eula. more power to you.

  2. i dunno why there is a need for chars to do more dmg? i do 30k on crit with Ganyu per shot, that alone is good enough for me…i think if Eula can do 10k dmg i think she is outstanding already.. i know its nothing compared to those doing 200k dmg or 1mil dmg.. but its okay to take 1m to kill Devalin, instead of 20 second.. lol.
    i will pull her because of her char design.

  3. Eula's moves are extra graceful, not gonna lie, but I got my Kaeya and Chongyun. The only other cryo I might want in the future is the cocogoat. All I need right now is Zhongli, I've been waiting since December lol

  4. I already got Zhongli and I don't want C1, so I think I'm gonna pull for Eula! I hope I have enough gems for her ;;
    I was building Kaeya but Eula is waifu, I can't say no to a waifu </3

  5. 100% agree on that powercreep/Ganyu/Eula point, mihoyo seems to recognize that certain playstyles kinda suck (charged shot/physical) and instead of addressing the core issues, they release a character that uses that playstyle but with absurd numbers to bandaid fix over the real problems.

  6. was about to skip her for ganyu rerun but why have one cryo waifu when u can go for two :p

    what made me wanna pull for her was the way she moves her claymore itโ€™s so graceful and elegant and since sheโ€™s mostly physical also makes it an easier choice for me since i use kaeya and want ganyu

  7. Got Zhongli the first time around and I have Klee and Diluc so I donโ€™t need the four star. Xingling is good enough for a support pyro. Definitely not pulling for Eula. So underwhelming. Iโ€™m just waiting for a wild Ganyu to reappear. I have to save ever primo gem! This time i will get her! ๐Ÿ˜ญ

  8. Ive been playing since release i have all 4 stars, i have 5 five stars including Hu Tao and Diluc so i really dont need another dps but Eula is cryo and she is waifu and thats all i need to pull for her hehe, hey if she is really a powercreep character win win for me

  9. Hmm . am I the only one who doesnot like her sword play ? like many people say its elegant but , it just feels so wrong , or it may just be me , found Chongyun's style more pleasing to look at. .. Then again expecting realistic aspects in a fantasy game is kinda stupid.


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