Eula is the newest Cryo Genshin Impact 5-star DPS from Mondstadt. She does an insane amount of physical damage with her basic attacks and elemental burst, and can carry your Genshin Impact teams through Spiral Abyss! Learn how to build her optimally with this Genshin Impact guide!
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Zhongli Physical DPS Guide:
Why You NEED to Build Jean:
I Tested The Pale Flame Set With Every Character:
Childe Build Guide:
Zhongli Burst DPS/Support Build Guide:
Mona Build Guide:
Music by SuperDope!
Genshin Impact Links:
You got any links to that spreedsheet on the the video?
I'm planning to use 2 pc Bloodstained and Pale because of my BOOMER HANDS 馃槄
this is not f2P friendly
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wHY EuLA iS A mUsT pULl
I did not want eula and had done 30 pulls since the last 5* and got her from a solo wish, I was kind of annoyed at first but then did another 3 pulls and got another one so ig im gonna use her now
Zhongli 1.1 player: wtf? Mihoyo ??
Eula 1.5 player : WTF? MIHOYO??
Fourth character: Albedo or Bennet?
Just got her 8 pulls after Jean
I am very glad that you were able to solve my frustration about 18% ATK buff from Gladiator vs 25% PHY DMG buff, so definitely 2pc PF and 2pc Bloodstain is my go to for Eula with Serpent Spine, great video showcase!
Pulled Eula in 20 wishes. I wasn't expecting to be able to get her in the 50 I had saved up. Just chucked a bunch of gladiators on her because I had nothing prepped. She is still pulling numbers. And now I can work on min maxing and team building. I was so stoked last night I ended up just messing around and looking for stuff to kill till like 3 am.
I got her while summoning for xingqiu 馃拃honestly she is not bad but i dont want her that much
Now this is a good explain of pale flame set. I see so many youtubers say pale flame is best in slot for F2P players. You deserve a like and subscribe.
what are the other option for battery? can i use venti instead?
Please if someone could reply to my query-
What if I use tap E endlessly until before I use Q, I use hold E and than Q, and then repeat.
This would give me a 100% uptime on PF, what about this rotation.
Also Imho, I think using 2 piece BS and 2 piece PF is a lot better than 4pf because using hold E after using tap E 2 times is a lot better because hold E consumes stacks and does a lot more damage plus reduces physical defense, rather than not using hold E all together and not lowering resistance just to maintain PF uptime, and still you can't do it unless you are C2.
Please if someone can reply to me, if I got that right. Or I missed something
i dont even plan on getting eula since i play only mages but chongyun transforming eula attacks into cryo would not make any change on this? would it be a bad pair or something im just interested in if this was even considered idk maybe a "cool" option to go for
How about Skyrider Greatsword R5? its have crazy phys and good buff
for my FTP friend, pls we cant pull everything so just stack up primo and skip 1 to 2 banner for guranteed rate up that why u know you get what you want and if you lucky you get full cons one of the 4 star, thats how i play since start hehe i said this coz i see a lot of comment saying they secrifice their limited primo for luck, we FTP main target 1st is full cons 4 star and 1 5 star waifu hehe sry for long comment >.<
Activating 4pc bonus on pale flame is so hard and boring..
Woooow, this is actually one of the best videos I've seen, you deserve my sub
fashion is the new engame .. lmao here for it
If you already have C0 Eula. And you have extra primogems to spare.
Do you recommend getting C1 Eula or get R1 Broken Pines?
I do not have any 5* weapons.
Best 4* weapon i have is Serpent Pines.
Thanks for the Video.
After watching, i will be dropping my 4pc Pale to 2pc Bloodstained.
And u think I have the MONEY for c2 or c1 EULA no no I dont
Is she the strongest?
what would her rotation be without c2 then?
Guess what I got it from the first spin , not x10 spin , just normal spin , I was insanely lucku
I saw that skyrider greatsword is better than all the 4star weapons if you have it at R5 and the 4stars are at R1. It's slightly better but better is still better
Making me happy that I pulled a Skyward Pride on the perma banner a long time ago! 馃榾
I am trying to buy an account with eula…. I rerolled few times today and I didn't get her;-; I came back cause of her lol. The seller on ebay… should i?
You didn't understand how the weapon DPS chart works. You're thinking that Pine with its proc (which isn't 100% uptime) is its 100% uptime dps.
I'm stuck with her at 70 because I was dumb and didn't farm dandelions, and even that low she is a beast. Got to floor 11-3 with her