Electro is the Worst Element in Genshin Impact and it's not Even Close

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50 thoughts on “Electro is the Worst Element in Genshin Impact and it's not Even Close”

  1. It's kind of obvious because this a Chinese game, and Electro is (in Genshin) a Japanese element, they would want to make the Japanese looks bad and weak lol. Better skip these whole 2.x patch and skip to Sumeru.

  2. I say either double down on electros theme of being the element of energy or make electro the breaker element, where each reactions decrease enemy defenses in some way.

    For Overloaded, decreased the knock back effect on large enemies, when an enemy takes damage from an Overloaded explosion, it will deal more damage to their shields (doesn't matter what type of shield) and decreases the healing they receive.

    For Electro Charged, duration of the reaction is increased by two ticks and increased the rate at which it deals damage, when an enemy takes damage from the Electro Charged zap, their defense is reduced by 10%.

    For Superconduct, increased the aoe of the explosion so that it chains easier, when enemies take damage from the Superconduct explosion, enemy abilities will be suppressed for 1-5 seconds (so like the bathysmal vishaps celestial shower or even a ruin guards stomp or fatui shields and buffs from spectres and the teleportation of rift hounds will be stalled, 1 second for bosses 5 seconds for everyone else).

    Now whether these get added via the resonance or the reactions get changed doesn't matter.

  3. You're right about Superconduct needing a rework, and imo it should reduce Electro RES considering how real-life superconductivity ACTUALLY works. Perhaps the reaction can shred BOTH Physical and Electro RES by the same amount, which would benefit both the physical DPS AND the Electro support units often used to trigger the reaction. The Electro RES shred will also benefit older Electro DPS units like Fischl and Keqing who rely on near-constant Electro DMG for their DPS output.

  4. Honestly I think geo is the worst element, cause it's reactions are useless and unless you have Zhongli geo resonance isn't reliable. I admit electro reactions could be better, like if electro charge staggers enemies. Super conduct reduces electro resistance along with physical resistance. Overload should do multiplicative damage. And honestly if the resonance gave crit damage, than it would make electro teams so much more viable. So yeah I don't think electro is the worst, but it is literally only not at the bottom because geo exist in my opinion. Again I know geo does more damage but it's still reliant on a bunch of 5 stars to fully utilize. So yeah I agree electro still totally needs a buff, but I wouldn't hold my breathe on dendro doing that.

  5. geo is the worst by far what are you talking about, geo is impossible to use in 90% of all team comps since it stops your elemental reactions and gives less dps in freeze comps especially it just brings you down loads i feel geo is only good if you want a brain dead fight that you dont have to strategize for which imo is where the fun of this game is but thats just me

  6. oh shit electro DOES have no dps. there’s razor who’s basically physical and also a 4 star, theres yae miko who is.. yae miko, and there’s keqing who is so impressively bad her subreddit has figured out how to build every other character while attempting to make her work

  7. The 15k swirls are probably a melt/vaporise reaction.

    Head into a treasure hoarder camp and apply cryo/hydro to one side, and then pyro to the other.

    Stand back and swirl both sides with Sucrose's E. She will trigger (forward/reverse?) Vape/Melt reaction, which is going to scale massively with her EM.

    For example, an 800 Sucrose can swirl over 6000 damage per hit. If she double swirls and vapes, that's 9000 damage before her EM bonus of 100% kicks in.

    18k damage, easy.

  8. Gonna​ argue that​ beidou's​ damage is​ ridiculously strong​ in​ more​ than​ two​ enemy situation in​ my​ opinion. it​ just​ ​isn't​ a​ big​ damage​ instantly
    sure​ she​ require​ fischl​ but​ I​ mean​ Xiangling also​ need​ Bennett
    So​ yeah​ I​ agree​ that​ the​ element​ itself​ is​ weird​ but​ the​ character​s (atleast​ some​ of them)​ Is​ pretty viable.​ And​ also​ I​ think​ mono electro​ isn't​ bad​ at​ all​ but​ it​ require​d a​ stupid​ amount​ of​ invesment​ or​ good​ gacha​ luck.​ Its​ okay​ if​ u​ disagree​ with​ me​ it​ is​ truly​ just​ my​ opinion

  9. I like the way you laugh at Keqing…no argument there, out of all 5 star characters she's the one who doesn't deserve the title. Still she's enough for mid game players at least, in terms of exploration, she's second from best.

  10. I myself think it's Geo the thing is that the element itself is more trash than electro it has no usable reaction on it and it only feels good because the characters are designed relatively well Itto would work the same if he was another element heck he would be even better if he wasn't Geo NGL

  11. Yeah, honestly Electro is quite underwhelming in comparison to other elements and even to how lightning is used in other videogames.
    So let's see what can we do as armchair developers.

    Having the Electro Resonance be a built-in Favonius weapon would be awesome, tho instead of Crits it procs on Electro reactions, and could also increase Energy Recharge by 20% or so.
    Electro skills/bursts can Shatter or Stun enemies by default. Shatter can reduce DEF by a certain % for X seconds. Electro reactions could either finally crit or offer more like Superconduct that could reduce all elemental RES PLUS physical RES, that could lead to more team variety but might compete with Anemo characters.
    Lastly, just please make Sara buff all members instead of just one, like c'mon she is meant to be Electro Bennett and I want to use her over that dude.

  12. if you're talking this element has good characters:
    -who's a good character in pyro other than xiangling and hu tao? xinyan? thoma? amber? diluc? klee? yoimiya? yanfei? bennett isn't a pyro character, he can be cryo and it'd change nothing. who else??

    -you could make an argument for cryo having a lot of good characters except aloy and diona i guess.
    -hydro is pretty much essential in almost every meta team comp, international, taser, raiden national, freeze, any vape team. it has childe and xingqiu that carry it very hard but kokomi and mona are okay too.
    -geo is literal dogshit, reactions? dogshit, resonance? okay at best, decent for geo characters. all units in there are meh and no don't fucking say zhongli is good. itto is decent and that's really it

    -anemo. arguably the best element in the game, VV set, CC. imagine how 99% of the characters will be without anemo/vv and pretty much has all good characters except sayu and amc.

    -electro. it has fischl, you said she isn't good but she's literally one of the best off field damage dealers in the game and can be a decent battery. beidou a cracked 4 star dps, if you can't play her well, you're just dogshit at the game, sorry but what's so hard about tapping q and auto attacking on other characters, if you're talking about parries, you can literally just hold and not have that much of a dps loss. raiden, arguably one of the best hypercarries at c0, if you don't agree, build her, try her, and then talk about her power level as a hypercarry, you saying she's not a good dps at c0 is so fucking dumb and it makes me question if you play this game or not. and oh boy at c2-c3, pretty much the best carry in the game. all these characters are good without reactions. as well lisa, isn't the best but she's decent, she can hold TTDS, and her A4 passive is pretty good.

    -if you're going to talk about reactions, overload and electrocharged have very high base damage, electrocharged excels in aoe fights with multiple characters, and overload is cracked against heavy enemies, especially if an anemo units triggers these reactions, oh boy. i think you're underestimating transformative reactions and just have vape/melt brain rot.
    -for resonances, look at hydro and anemo's resonances, wtf do they do? that's not a good argument bud. pretty much only good universal resonance is pyro one, that's really it.
    -i'd put it this way
    anemo>=cryo>pyro & electro>having no element>geo
    -that's really it? again, stop with this bullshit of buffing electro

  13. Actually, Overload deals quite a nice damage, which opens an interesting team comp based around EM buffers. But the fact, that each time reaction procs it sends the enemy flying five meters away, makes Overload completely useless in most scenarios. Mihoyo design in its prime: make something interesting and then find a way to completely screw it over with terrible design choices.

  14. Geo is literally just yellow physical dmg and has been proven to get generally slower clear times for abyss than every other element . Yes, even slower than teams running electro characters. The ONLY thing of value it brings as an ELEMENT is the resonance and the resonance alone isn't enough to really justify slotting in two geos on a team where you could be running two characters for say .. cryo resonance instead. "Geo can shield" no, that's only zhongli and Noelle that do that and only one of those two can actually do it with 100% uptime. "Geo can facetank" again, no, that's only zhongli and Noelle who can do that. No other geo characters provide any meaningful or noteworthy shields so idk where you're getting all that from. The element is hard carried by zhongli. Show me a team with double geo that doesn't include zhongli that's also on par with teams like sucrose taser (a team of fucking four stars) or even Childe taser in terms of clear time / effeciency for combat. Geo also does negative shield dmg. Electro at the very least does more shield dmg that geo (again, unless you're zhongli. In this case it's his burst and even then it doesn't do THAT much shield dmg. That's why it just does raw dmg through shields to compensate for that) . It's why to compensate for the fact geo brings literally nothing to the table, they crank up all of the geo multipliers to higher values since the element reacts like piss with other elements. This whole "electro is the worst element" narrative has long been debunked by the TC community too. Everyone knows the worst element is actually geo and the only reason most players don't realize it is because they're used to running double geo with zhongli as one of the two geos in the team. Even Hu Tao's "best" team comp of Hu Tao XQ zhongli albedo gets slower clear times and lower dps than someone using hu tao XQ rosaria and a Kaeya with an instructor set or Hu tao XQ C4 yanfei & an anemo support like sucrose to boost Hu Tao EM and also shred pyro resistance so I really don't know what you're on about with this whole "geo is fine, electro is the worst" thing cause it's really not. That spot belongs to the yellow physical dmg element.

  15. You are correct with Raiden Shogun. I have her c6r5 and her r5 Engulfing is very unreasonable. It requires 324% Energy Recharge to maximize that weapons damage, which forces you to truly min/max her artifacts. (The ideal crit%/crit/damage/ER substats.)

    Her artifacts took me the longest. I literally farmed for a month, max refresh resin + whatever resin I can buy weekly and monthly achievements.

    So in actuality, it would have took me 4 months of farming as a f2p to get her to where she is now.

  16. 1:beidous ult not working with raiden is entirely how raidens autos are programed so it can actually take burst dmg into her infusion burst, this is definintly something that can 100% be fixed on the programing side, specially considering xingqius burst does trigger under the same conditions
    2:the EM buff was not what we needed, what we needed is something that doesnt have double stacked deminishing returns because its a logrithmic damage increase. overloaded is a perfect example on just how bad the damage scaling is, a character with 1200 EM(this is actually harder to get then it sounds), overloaded at best does 20kish dmg, about 25k with shread. the interal cooldown of skills make it beable to trigger about every 2.5s in most cases. a semi decent built bennet E in his burst when you use a well built team with a festering desire can break 60k, max talents with jade cutter breaks 90k. the shear amount of damage you can out do on most amp reactions is well over 3x-5x anything a hyper invested EM char can do. the only reason sucrose in a electro charge team can stil perform well is when she triggers the electro charge, not only does she get double swirl from the 2 elements, but she then triggers electro charged based off her EM stats effectivly quadruple diping on her EM stat. not even changing the EM stat to be a flat increase would change this to something like 100EM is +100% transformitive dmg, that still only makes that 1200 EM overloaded 37k, half as powerful as bennetts E
    3:the def shread to 20% vs the 40% physical actually is almost the same since most enemys have 10% physical resist making it be -15%, and if your running that physical char, your probably got 1 maybe 2 physical shreads other then super conduct actually making it a net bonus on physical and everything else, so ya i agree to this one forsure
    4:the only reason electro characters even can still do things is because they dont have a amp reaction and shoved all the multiplyers at stupid levels, lisas E at max stacks gets upto 1000% at lvl 13, beidous ult when chaining between 2 enemys gets upto 600% and 400% respectivly. oz can do 300% with any type of reaction trigger(maybe more since because how often the passive and the actual attack techniquely triggers). yaes even know theres other reasons shes just not enjoyable to play for both gameplay or theory crafting, her C6 E damage is stupid strong.
    5:hopefully dendro might allow electro to be better, but im inhaling a rainforest worth of copium for just looking for a light in this dark tunnel

  17. I disagree that electro needs a buff. I think people are blowing that out of proportion especially on electrocharged teams where the electro resonance truly shines. One electro particle every 5 seconds averages out to 4 extra particles per rotation which is a lot meaning you can stat more into damage. Electro charged reaction itself being very underrated because not a lot of people realize all the little numbers all over the screen, they just like seeing the big 10-30k numbers. An extra 5k damage per enemy starts scaling pretty well in AoE.

    But more than that, if they did something like give electro units more damage or electro reactions more damage, electro would easily be the most dominant element in the game esp again with electro resonance basically giving free energy which allows you to stat more into damage where most pyro and cryo carries basically require ER as a stat and a battery to function ie xiangling, ayaka, eula etc. This is the fundamental reason why raiden is so strong that you even mention in your video and the electro resonance is like a mini version of that.

  18. Well is you say something like that, it's an objective statement
    And it is provable that electro is not worse than Geo with math
    So technically you are wrong
    But I understand the argument you're making here
    The thing is, there's a lot of things here can are borederline misinformation, such as mono electro not being as good as mono geo etc
    Where's the math required to prove that? Not only is in game testing highly unreliable, but different units scale differently on investment because of how they scale with different stats etc
    I don't want to defend electro but sometimes you gotta take a step back and consider what you say

  19. I think Pyro is really bad considering you can 'only' double your damage with melt and 150% with vaps which could be consistent coz almost all hydro are good appliers so i think its underpowered

  20. Nah I disagree with Electro as the worst element Geo is still the worst element and this is coming from a geo collector. cause crystalize is pretty much a useless reaction that mihoyo needs to make shield characters of each element to compensate how much crystalize sucks. Hell Zhong Li himself made crystalize redundantly useless XD

  21. The fact that all other elemental resonances give flat percentage bonuses, while electro res gives a pitiful extra 3 energy every 5 seconds is the most boneheaded decision the devs have made. It almost feels like they crippled electro on purpose.

    IMO if they just changed electro resonance to give a flat 20% or 25% energy recharge, allow overloaded reaction to crit (and perhaps nerf its base values a bit to compensate), and have superconduct lower electro and cryo res by 15% in addition to the 40% reduced physical res then would fix the element just like that.

    I kinda get it why Mihoyo is so apprehensive about buffing or nerfing individual characters themselves since it's a gacha game and people sink massive amounts of time, financial and emotional investment in the characters. But it makes no sense why in a team of 1000 plus developers they can't find the time to tweak a few numbers and change a couple values from false to true. They could fix electro in an anfternoon.

  22. I'm not sure if you're competing with Tenten as the best "we do hot but misinformed takes for views" youtuber although to your credit; you don't brand yourself as a "theorycrafter" like he does

  23. Finally someone brought it up! The Electro Elemental Reactions are TRASH. Overload just kills everything around it, INCLUDING YOU. Electro Charged/Tazer's the same shit if you're anywhere near water in the game and we all know how that goes. Superconduct's the only decent one. Which is a def down for PHYSICAL DPS🙃. In a hack and slash where there's 0 lock on or targeting system and it just constantly knocks enemies away it's gonna piss you off more than anything cause it's just annoying to play. Catalysts don't reach after a few meters, bows are well bows, and if you play melee while running tazer let alone overload. It's not a good time. The only forms of Crowd Control in the game are Frozen Reaction and 5 star character skills. As much money as this company makes it just irks me to see where their focus goes. This game is so barebones, cookie cutter it annoys me cause I'd like to see the game get better but it's all they seem to care for is banner sales.

  24. I think it's important to note that the reason electro feels like the worst element is because of its missed potential. Electro resonance could have increased attack or movement speed, Raiden and Beidou would have amazing synergy, and almost everything about Yae Miko can be easily fixed. But it seems like HoYoverse isn't too focused on these issues because they're always working on the next cryo or pyro character.


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