Ei vs Raiden Shogun Boss Fight (2 Phases) – Genshin Impact

Raiden Shogun boss fight “Magatsu Mitake Narukami no Mikoto”.


42 thoughts on “Ei vs Raiden Shogun Boss Fight (2 Phases) – Genshin Impact”

  1. This boss for me is just all about dodging and timing the perfect time to strike, and still trying to figure out how to shred her shield on 2nd phase.
    I beat it with Ayaka freeze, Raiden National, and Mono Geo Itto with 2 death character (Geo MC and Zhongli)

  2. I was seriously out of stamina for most of the fight, trying to i-frame and dodge and using charged attacks continuosly was draining my stamina and i got hit a couple of times

  3. If u see ur battling raiden with ei right? But right by the characters u choose u see Raiden once again so uhh game fix that and ei wields a sword and raiden a polearm but in her ult u see that raiden wields a sword to its kinda weird

  4. She's pretty easy to be honest(comparing to Azhdaha) if you get all her moves. Just a little time consuming during her 2nd phase when you have to break her shield down which you have to use cryo or pyro, but I do recommend cryo. Pyro can break her shield and at the same time take down her hp a little as well, due to overload reaction, but cryo can break shield faster.

    Edit: This is weekly boss guide. Not the quest one.


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