Dragonspine Has INSANE Lore in Genshin Impact (Ep.119)

The Lore of Dragonspine has some CRAZY implications! OPEN ME (^_^)

Weapon/Artifact Doc: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Ok92CDHhHK1JyC5C4o6P5CVlj22dzf4yO7P9_fbMO2A/edit?usp=sharing

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Dragonspine Has INSANE Lore in Genshin Impact (Ep.119)

#GenshinImpact #Hoyoverse #MurderofBirds


20 thoughts on “Dragonspine Has INSANE Lore in Genshin Impact (Ep.119)”

  1. thanks Arnold for this lore vid! can't wait for other lore readings!

    damn, its like early game, the dark stuff are hidden away in items, bubbling up and now they told us straight to the face of all the dark history of Teyvat. I too hope they'll show who actually Imunlaukr is. Also damn: its heart-wrenching 31:50

  2. I suppose the "blessings" in question were Visions, from looking at the paintings, and the way they were described. Which Celestia later stopped giving out to this culture, before inevitably terraforming (/nuking) it with the Nail. Just a shame there's not even a hint of the reason for doing so. Or at least I didn't catch one.

  3. my friend and I also came to the conclusion that Imanlaukr is both Capitano, and the bloodstained Knight, like way back 6 months ago. So its really cool seeing you come to the same conclusion with Imanlaukr – Capitano.

  4. 14:00 I'm sure you know by now, but someone on Reddit actually calculated the directions on the Teyvat map and Mondstadt IS in the north (like Liyue and Inazuma), that's why we can get the northlander billets in here, but not in Sumeru or Fontaine.

  5. I also hope that Imunlaukr – Capitano is true coz it makes sense why he will join the Fatui to destroy the gods and Celestia…..just that I can't overlook that theory (don't know if it's established as a fact by now) that the artifacts and some weapons are memories of people long passed (died) so if the Blizzard Strayer lore is written in the POV of Imunlaukr…then he is dead…

    If Imunlaukr and the Blood Stained Knight are one in the same and there's an Artifact set named after them then they're also……

    …man I hope that theory about the artifacts is wrong.

  6. Yoooo! Ukko being that Lawlachurl? Crazy! I definitely didn't read any of the artifact descriptions, much less those golden boxes. So all of that info blew my mind!

    My prediction is that Capitano has a Cryo vision, and his delusion would be Anemo. But Pyro delusion also makes sense!

  7. hello so about the doc, i think arnolds mod manages it so i just wanna ask if books will also be added in the various sections because that would be so so cool, there already are some books accounted for in the doc but i dont know if its too much to ask for all the books

    for example, the dessert pavillion set is included in the tullaytullah section but the set itself talks about gurabad more, so maybe a new section called gurabad with the set plus the three books that do primarily talk about gurabad, like the tale of shiruya and shirin and the two books with the genie and the shephard

  8. also i love love loveeeee these reading videos please keep them coming, i hope you upload all your lore reading setions including the sumeru ones where the lore is also scattered around the map in forms of notes, obelisks and stone slates and stuff

    i usally have them running in the back while doing some other task

  9. i just watched this video on its entirety. sal vindagnyr and dragonspine is one of my favorite in terms of area and lore pieces, the other being enkanomiya. you were correct on that last one! although i do read almost everything and i remember trying to get that name 'ukko' etched unto my brain in case it'll appear again.. but i completely lost to the fact that there's that one lawachurl that has a name on it.

    that was a gut punch. oh god, poor Scribe.


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