DESTROY EVERYTHING With These TOP NAVIA TEAMS | MUST Try Navia Teams | Genshin Impact Navia Teams

Navia is the latest dps to come out in genshin impact and she hits like a truck. She is an incredibly strong dps, as such to capitalize on her damage I’ll share some very strong teams in this video. These are some of navia’s top teams that really make her shine. I hope you enjoy these teams.

♪ Lukrembo – Concierge Lounge

♪ Lukrembo – Tea Cozy

♪ Lukrembo – Early Morning In Winter

♪ Lukrembo – Snow Walk



9 thoughts on “DESTROY EVERYTHING With These TOP NAVIA TEAMS | MUST Try Navia Teams | Genshin Impact Navia Teams”

  1. the catch is better for xiangling and it is important to generate crystal shards which makes you to make a team that applies constant geo and another element. people prefer xiangling and zhongli cuz they apply element unlike other characters such as noelle. most important part you have to buff all team members there that is why XL Bennet Zhongli and Navia is best option there. If you gonna try other teams then you have to use Furina to apply element freely

  2. I really waited for navia since i saw that leaks with the fontaine characters and i knew that she will be geo. i really love geo characters and i was sad that we didnt get any knew geo unit almost a year. so i hoped she will be good but she is far from more than that. she is crazy. i didnt have the best artifacts for her and i use just that red claymore (what i got on a weapon banner when i wanted to get ayaka's sword in 2022 when she became the eternity herself). i wanted to pull for her signature weapon too but i in the last minutes changed my mind and trid my luck on furina and i got her. but i needed to pull a lot for navia cuz i lost the 50/50, so it cost me about 150 wishes and i just have in the and 40 wish but i prepared to this situation cuz i never have luck on my side. but i dont think she need it cuz she is just crazy good now. i tried this abyss with furina and everybody forget about barbara, she is a good team wide healer too, she is one of my favourites.
    and i tried her on the otherside too just for fun but she easily do it even without electro in the double pyro team.
    i just could recommend her cuz she is strong, easy to build and fun to play.


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