Dehya Is Not THAT Bad In Genshin Impact…

Dehya is not that bad in Genshin Impact…COULD BE BETTER BUT SHES FUN


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40 thoughts on “Dehya Is Not THAT Bad In Genshin Impact…”

  1. Jokes aside, my Dehya is NOT fully built in this clip, shes level 80, 62/261 crit rate/dmg, she is getting buffed like crazy but overall, shes fun and I like her and thats all that matters at the end of the day. Wish she was better though and I hope Genshin buffs her as she deserves.

  2. Well… And whats a problem to get 31k on every hit? Its like almost 341k on her ult. Why its just "not bad"? Just because she didn't hit 1m on every hit like hutao?

  3. I wish i can see a showcase with out c6 dehya with her weapon and kazuha with his weapon
    We want to see dehya c0 with f2p weapon and f2p team
    So we can se her capabilty without whaleing for her

  4. 180k in ~11 hits meanwhile my raiden does 200k in 1 hit. (With Bennett and Kazuha buff + resistance shred from Zhongli.)

    That's without the 30-40k crit hits on most slashes of her ult.

    Man Dehya is so beautiful I just wish they made her good 😩

  5. Dear people saying she’s not that bad and to stop complaining.

    You’re upset for the wrong dam reason. People mad at other people for being disappointed is ridiculous logic. “Ooooh noooo people wanted their favorite character to be stronger than the ones they got TWO YEARS AGO let me be mad that they’re mad”… what the kind of logic is that? We had Hu Tao for two years and her AND Diluc demolish Dehyas damage.

    Dehya isn’t even a great tank when you factor in Kokomi Zhongli Noelle dam even Geo reaction. Xinyan wasn’t a good shielder either. And you’re surprised people are upset NEITHER OF THEM can fulfill their role even a fraction as good as Bennett?

  6. I would get excited to even see such an amount of damage. Just like when my Itto was doing that same amount. He's at 64k now👉🏼👈🏼 I saw an 85k in the clam domain. I'm happy with my Itto bashing everything, it's the first time I can say I accomplish finishing a round in an artifact domain in 50 seconds🤧


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