Dainsleif "Bedtime Story" Archon Quest explained (Genshin Impact 4.7 Recap, Lore and Reaction)

#genshinimpact #genshinlore #dainsleif #natlan

didnt upload tuesday cause got my first pc and I thought i could build it in 2 hours but it winded up taking like 14 cause im stupid. but also got a mic so theres that. rip macbook built in pic. anyway going over the new dain quest in 4.7 β€œbedtime story” that apart of the archon quest series. there were some highs and lows in the quest, 5 sinners of khaenriah was cool, interaction with the sibiling was meh, dain wasent really present throughout the quest, concerns about too much memory manipulation in the story, but caribert was lovely at the very least. i enjoyed his scenes if nothing else. also heavenly principles still asleep is pretty funny. also I saw the emilie leaked gameplay and dripmarket. interesting choice to release another witch around this time.

0:00 Intro
2:29 Dain Quest Recap
18:50 End

#genshinimpact #genshinlore #dainsleif #natlan


43 thoughts on “Dainsleif "Bedtime Story" Archon Quest explained (Genshin Impact 4.7 Recap, Lore and Reaction)”

  1. Now that I think about it , the reason the big dendro tree didn't register lumine as a descender might be connected to the loom of fate ( forget about the will to challenge the world and also lumine will is not weak ,she is a strong girl) have something changed in the past that made lumine something else by changing the ley line,by another loom of fate.

  2. 3:01 the game was definitely racist with the way that they pronounced bahram. Because they had the powers to just learn how to pronounce that name. You somehow pronounced it even worse which i don't know how it's possible. I don't think your racist because you just tried to repeat what the VAs said, but the ge was definitely racist. When they can force their VAs to pronounce French names and phrases this good, why not arabic and persian? They literally silenced the H in bahram. The way you say it is: Bah-ram. And you have to say the H you can't silence it

  3. Some say: "Genshin is getting better"
    Meanwhile HoYo releasing biggest dogshit of a quest known to gaming history. They spent more time on promoting it's release than on actual creation of this quest.
    Now we have to wait another year for another dogshit quest and MAYBE in 2 years we will finally get valuable piece of quest

  4. negl ive been told by ppl it would b easy for me to start a cult but honestly your way of talking would have the entire crowd moving to ur will i aint ever give af bout before sun and moon before ur vids now im chanting the primordial one GDBDHSH

  5. The only really disappointing thing about this quest was that it wasnt double in length. A minor complaint is how the ending works for atossa, feels like a cheep ending to not give them some finality.

    The sibling dropping everything to chill with their sibling seems believable to me.

  6. Im gonna say Something controversial. I dont Like the abyss twin. They act Like they have the Moral high ground despite the abyss Order running around causing suffering and being a danger to everyone. I know we are gonna get railroaded into siding with them but If IT where Up to me id Side with dainsleif against the abyss

  7. Nahh, Celestia is the ones who deprived Caribert to have a life. "but the sinners bla bla bla"… So all the people of Khaenri'ha has to suffer because of 5 people? In my eyes they are the villains and the people of Khaenri'ha are the victims. The same as the ones from Dragonspine

  8. I feel like Dain's gonna have some real power like the 5 sinners, after he's called Dainsleif "The Bough Keeper". This means the six pygmies are dain and the 5 sinners not the archons.

  9. When Aether went to touch Lumine, why did only Lumine Turn Blue? And then when Lumine phased through Aether, it's only Lumine that turns Blue. If they both are not tangible why is it that only Lumine that turns Blue? If you think what I'm saying is dumb, remember it's HoYoverse they Tease us these typa of things, in this manner so I think something happened to lumine, that made her un-Touchable. Theorists try finding out if I'm right or wrong…

    Maybe Lumine's Curse is not being able to Touch anyone else. This could be why Lumine and Dainslaif seems so Distant which each other in the animated PV. But also, have we ever seen any being touching lumine? From my memory, we have not. This could be why Lumine is going down a different path. The fact she isn't a Discender makes this fact make more sense.

    Overall the Quest is a 10/10 but it's a little too short… 😊

  10. I think the problem here is that the dev team wants to make our twin a villain in the eyes of everyone but the traveler. Beating Dain and completing the Loom of Fate should make easily them at least a morally grey person but it feels like the dev team doesn’t want us to think that.

  11. I had quite a lot of theories proven right because of this quest but

    I would like to know why you come up with a solution that vinster king is King irmin? Because
    Vinster king CN title is The Black King or the Dark king meanwhile the hroptatyr has one of the names Odin had even using the CN lines it's the same Odin name
    Vinster king to me is probably one of the entities that bring destruction to the world that stole the power of Abyss

    His name was used in a sense that whatever it was, doing what it should be doing meanwhile the Sinners stole something that wasn't theirs to begin with those powers may have been reserved for Lumine who is compatible with Abyss unlike us who is compatible with purification of Abyss

    I mainly think it's their powers because in khaenri'ah these 5 were dubbed sinners not by the whole world and to khaenri'an's Lumine is the representation of Abyss and these 5 people stole powers specifically in their fields

    RHINEDOTTIR= Power of alchemy now capable of making Abyssal beings
    The visionary vedrfolnir= can distort space and time to look for people and grants his own powers to other's
    The wise hroptatyr= probably a sage of khaenri'ah working under irmin the guy with most Abyssal knowledge?
    The foul surtalogi = the ominous knight/Evil knight i theorized surtalogi to possess powers related to world ending flames of ragnarok and probably someone from crimson moon dynasty surprisingly arlecchino with her pure fires was introduced recently and that guy name is one of the calamities
    So i won't be surprised if the world ending flame has any problem with alberich's the ones irl mythos said to be dwarfs
    Visionary vedrfolnir= probably stole the powers to look into future past and present and his whole perspective may have changed like Rhine

  12. Does this reveal anything about the whole descenders thing Nahida talked about at the end of Sumeru quest? Do we still not know how our sibling is not a descender but we are?

  13. So in a few words, much useless information, no real advancement in the story, Paimon repeating everything as always, everything remains the same. And Clorinde story… my god… that was beyond unbearable, pure torture.

  14. Considering the lack of lore/revelations that actually would got from the conversation between the siblings, I feel like the whole memory wipe thing was totally unnecessary

  15. The stuff with Caribert was interesting.
    However not showing Dain and Lumine fight was super lazy, like really Hoyo?

    Also why couldn't he say goodbye the next day? Sure he's injured but all the more reason to stay and rest a bit longer. Even if he didn't say anything lore relevant, it's weird to have him just vanish like that.

  16. Focalors deception only worked cuz Celestia sleept, no wonder they didn't took any action after the Throne got destroyed. poor Furina suffered literally for nothing. πŸ˜”


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