#genshinimpact #gaming #cyno
Cyno VS Keqing Ultimate Showcase! | Proof That Cyno Is MID! | Genshin Impact
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Since people made the argument that keqing was using her B.I.S in the showcase while cyno was not. I went ahead and put a Kagotsurube ishin (F2p Kazuha Drippy Weapon) on keqing, went back into abyss with same comps and still got pretty much the same times xDDD proof that premium weapons are a scam and barely yield any value in the overall DPS of the team. Cyno is a sidegrade to keqing GG's. #Mid
Based, too many people try to sugarcoat characters because the feel personally attacked if you don't praise their character to high heavens.
Only issues I see is that your rotations genuinely could have been better with cyno yes I’m sure you saw this coming but you weren’t taking advantage of cyno’s reduced skill CD with TF at all. Also the comment about how you changed keqing gear to be weaker since everyone was complaining that she has her Bis is kinda pointless because that isn’t even the issue. That doesn’t change that Homa sits far below Scarlet sands for cyno and it affects him much more than changing keqing’s weapon. Either way I’m not worried about who’s stronger and who isn’t. Keqing has been benched for over a year for me and she will stay that way. Cyno is far more fun and in a game this piss easy that’s all that matters.
tbh that was a pretty good showcase and yeah im not surprised that they'er about the same but i think thats ok because hoyoverse doesn't want more power creep they want to make more balanced characters and again as you said yourself meta doesn't matter.
Hahahahaha Booba Sword is ETERNAL ⚡🗡️💜
I still don‘t understand why Genshin is even considered to have a meta. This game is so easy, you can 36 star abyss fully f2p. And even the “must have“ characters aren’t really must have, I 36 starred abyss every time before I got Kazuha on his rerun.The only hard content is the boss event with max multipliers and effects. Just pull the character if you have fun with it.
(Btw Nahida might be the first archon I skip. No offense to those who like her but I can‘t stand her baby design. Though maybe her value will change my mind.)
This is the chara one person said does dmg like C6 Itto at C0 R1 btw. I told him you’re off to a good comedy career
It doesn't matter genshin is ez game anyways😂 I only pulled cyno cuz I like his burst animations and I think its fun.. Yeah sure hes not on par with my meta characters but atleast he is a new content for me and Im having fun🤗
Let's be real they're not gonna make every premium char good at C0 & no banner weap. The only 5* i have that falls into this category is Hutao & ayaka
I still got no Keqing having played from 1.5 so i couldn't care less about him being at the same level as Keqing as Keqing's pretty much meta nowadays
At least he’s better than diluc that’s why I might pull
This is so unfair! Cyno doesn't even have a skin!
(but fr though, great showcase.)
we know he's mid and clearly nobody cares, we pull for the cool factor and that he's clearly easier to play than Keqing without stamina management
the majority wants no power creep so, yea THERE WE GO hahahah. hoyoverse is not changing or buffing anything just like what they did to yae. zhongli is different as he is an archon.
Cyno isn’t mid, my girl is just god tier :^). Jokes aside, I tested C0 and C6 Cyno after doing the math. It’s a huge difference, and my output was nearly douvle at times even. Still don’t recommend though.
keqing aggravate really destroy my hype for cyno
Cyno is super underwhelming tbh
People can’t expect they spent money or avoided other 5 stars for Cyno when he’s mid
Keep up the honesty Smack! People just hate and can’t handle the truth
thanks for the comparison video i really apreciate this type of videos in general. I got cyno and was testing out things because i also have keqing, and i also found my self getting similar times on the content. It didnt really bother me because the play style is fun and i can already beat everything with my other characters. through the testing though i found that it was not as close as i had thought initially because i had them both on a 2p2p atk with extramely good substats for aggrevate and didnt test my Tf set with considerably worse substats. I later tried it on cyno and it did less dmg per E then the 2p2p set but not by that much and to my surprise it was much faster because you can almost double the amount of E cast you use per rotation something that i noticed you didnt take advantage of in this comparison and it is a something to point out because keqing doesnt really benefit from the 4 piece set because by the end of the rotation your e is already up since you charge attack after getting the infusion. So yeah, im gonna try to get a godly Tf set for him because the one o used had so many dead stats.
With the arrival of Dendro, the meta game no longer matters, or if there are mid characters or not. Keqing was worse than that and for a long time. Now many characters are viable to play and that makes the game much more fun and that's what counts. If the Dendro element hadn't lived up to expectations, many of us would have already left the game.
Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid
bro couldn’t even pronounce cyno
It's cause Keqing is MOTIVATED, while Cyno is not
Cyno is the poor man's keqing
Yike, Ik’m glad I didn’t pull for cyno 😂
As someone who have cyno, I have to agree that yes…he is mid (prob in the same class as yoi and itto), but I love him because at least now I can stop trying to get keqing or wait for Raiden's banner for god knows how long lmaoo X'D
(Yes I can wait for Yae's banner, but it's not really an option since I'm aiming to pull for Childe in 3.2)
Keqing mylady
Here’s my two cents:
Keqing is not a bad dps electro character but honestly she is not better than cyno for 4 reasons.
1. The weapon that cyno uses is insanely broken, the more EM you put on him the more attack you get. Not only does he benefit from getting attack but he benefits with the EM because he can do more damage with his burst plus with elemental reactions he gets more damage.
2. His elemental skill is a complete game changer. When you time his skill correctly the amount of damage you can do with his skill is insane and the AOE damage is crazy. Plus you give him thundering fury set, you can just spam his skill non stop. His elemental skill plays a huge part and during your test run you wasn’t timing it right so you missed out on a huge truck load of damage.
3. He is the only electro dps in the game that scales off of EM. If you build EM on keqing it wouldn’t be great because she doesn’t scale off of EM.
4. The weapons that keqing use are not as good as the weapon cyno’s uses. So far there’s no god tier weapon for an electro sword user like keqing. Comparing the sword that she uses, compare that to the weapon cyno uses. Plus, you’re using staff of homa, you’re not even using his main weapon so you can’t really come up with a conclusion saying that keqing is better when you’re not using cyno at his full potential. Homa doesn’t benefit cyno whatsoever except for the crit but the passive scales off of hp.
The gap between keqing and cyno is a bit to wide, in order for keqing to even be on par with cyno, she has to at least have an EM scaling in her kit but that’s never going to happen. Plus dendro archon boost EM so imagine how much cyno is going to benefit compared to keqing.
Anyways good video man I like your content. And at the end of the day, meta doesn’t even matter in this game because the game is easy asf. I don’t understand why some people get so mad about meta because it doesn’t even matter. I’m just playing characters that I enjoy
I prefer him that way. I think with extra Dendro releases he'll get better. He's a unit you CAN skip. A lot of units feel necessary (even if they're not) because they bring so much value to the account. You can skip Cyno, or grab him and the only thing that measures that is if you like the unit. Which is how I personally feel a character should be. I find him similar to Ayato and Xiao. Units that you don't NEED, but will kill everything just the same.
Good comparison showcase. Woulda been a good video without all the machismo grandstanding and LDE
Very illuminating. Got a C3 god and a C3 atheist.. Skipping on Cyno.
Is the same shit xD
Tho he’s mid, I don’t think there are any big problems with his kit. I guess he’s just weak and most people overhyped thinking he would be meta defining. I think that’s okay since abyss is getting easier anyway which is why I think they’re releasing weaker characters.
I pulled for Cyno cause he just looks dope and his playstayle is different. If you like em pull em let's get it.
Just to add, keqing has 40energy cost burst and electro infusion is from her skill, not from her burst. Meaning shes has more realliable dps up time
Mistsplitter is argubly keqing's best weapon while homa is nowhere near cyno's best weapon lol.
Let's put it this way, at c0 f2p cyno is not better than f2p keqing if not worse. But Cyno scales much harder with constellation, C2 Cyno is better than C6 Keqing. I think this is the trend, since 2.0, 5 star characters generally have better constellations but their c0 basic form is worse. Pre-2.0 carries are strong and complete at c0-c1, while newer 5* characters usually requires c2-c3 to feel that same power level with few exceptions.
Keqing is strong straight out the box, but Cyno's constellations are far more powerful, if you compare c0 toons it's pretty equal , if you compare c2 or higher , Cyno has a clear advantage.
damn, i see a lot of cyno mains triggered
Number 1: Wouldn't it be better to test them with their best builds and teams instead of trying to make everything the same which could be a disadvantage to either of them? Keqing works well with Sara because her burst is short and she can take advantage of Sara's buffs. Cyno can use Yun Jin for the opposite reason. You would probably see much different results testing their best case scenarios rather than what you're doing here.
Number 2: Can both of them beat Abyss? Yes? Ok then so why is there even a problem? Genshin is casual and who really cares about beating Abyss with 15 seconds to spare vs 20? Let people enjoy pulling for who they want.
Number 3: Neither character is free. There are a ton of people who have been playing for years and still don't have Keqing.
Grown ass man crying about peoples opinion on an anime video game LMAO
Buddy looks like Graveler from Pokemon
I didn't consider yelan with HoD and mililith, mine has emblem cause has best stats. And I already have kequing so no need for Cyno, just waiting for Yae