This is just a fun showcase since I love using Diona 🙂
Track: I Am OK — Vishmak [Audio Library Release]
Music provided by Audio Library Plus
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Track: Cartoon – Howling (Ft. Asena) [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
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0:00 Introduction
0:24 Stats Showcase
1:08 Damage Showcase
4:04 Outro
#GenshinImpact #Genshin #DionaDPS
Never mind the damage…
Y do I smile every time I see her??
I love her utility for someone who don’t wanna pull for Zhongli – her shield is on par with his except for that Geo bonus thingy, she can cleanse, buff and heal too and to see her as what seemed to be a fair DPS. Probably going to change her build as DPS for fun.
Butt Y Doe?
cocogoat distant cousin cococat
In the future i will get Diona soon
I noticed you aim a little bit lower…
0:01 was she saying “piko piko”??? That’s really adorable omg 😭
Diona's my strongest next to Hu Tao so I'm currently tryna build her for a really good DPS build, so thank u for the showcase! 🙂
Aww mini ganyu
How to beat spiral abyss: use the fkin Diona on your team!
the fact that I got c6 diona while trying to get xiao and still didn't get him
Physical diona when
Wallmart ganyu be like:
I honestly could. All of my Maiden gear keeps being hard Crit Rate and Crit Damage rolls.
The facts that ur diona hitting harder than my ganyu kinda sadge haha
giv me the skyward harp😭😭 i got lost prayer and skyward atlas but didn't even use a dps catalyst 😭😭
"What does a end game player does?"
i cant believe i pulled 90 times on her rate up banner and still didnt get her sobs
Yall thinking about the dps diona.
Im thinking about that HD quality. Has it always been like this?
ngl, i expected worse
The fact that this does more dmg than my DPS hurts.
build ur childe pls
Everything in the game can can be a gud dps !! 😀
This is supposed to be Childe's weapon but instead he is just used to remove the shield of pyro regisvine and cat girl is the one who used ir
1:46 I see a Hydro Hu Tao with the appropriate amount of HP xD
Why does c4 need to be inside the burst? Can't it be increased charged shot speed whenever burst is still active wherever you are?
She's pretty much like ganyu if you have her at c4, would be fun to build her this way no cap
A Diona DD Showcase okay
1:45 childe level 4😂