CRUSH THESE BOSSES! 2.4 ABYSS GUIDE – Tips & Team Advice | Genshin Impact

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21 thoughts on “CRUSH THESE BOSSES! 2.4 ABYSS GUIDE – Tips & Team Advice | Genshin Impact”

  1. On floor 12 I used Beidou+Fischl+Kazuha+Barbara on the first half and then Xiangling+Xingqiu+Sucrose+Bennett on the second half. Surprisingly, it was a lot easier to full clear this abyss than the last one because there are almost no rift hounds for me to worry about. It's honestly surprising that my (mostly) 4-star teams barely change in each abyss rotations, these characters are just that bonkers, even with just 4-star weapons and slightly above-average artifacts (that are mostly rainbow, only having full VV on Sucorse and Kazuha and copium Noblesse on Bennet).

  2. Was able to 9 star floors 9, 10 and 11 while I’ve only been able to get 1 star on floor 12, hoping that I have the resources to at least gain a few more stars but content with what I’ve been able to achieve since I’ve never 9 stared floor 11 until now.

  3. The new abyss is easier to clear, but oh my god are they tanky! I literally couldn't 36 it no matter how hard I tried, it's kinda ridiculous that it's just a dps check, my f2p self is crying right now

  4. Thank you for this video I didn't realize that the Pyro Abyss mage was the actual issue. I got burned to a crisp the first time I played it and so prioritized the Dendro mage. I'll try killing the mage first and see how that goes. Will update with a reply.

  5. the abyss has just been lame lately… easy 36* , no new mechanics or tactics. you just brute force stomp on stuff now. I liked when you actually had to try and use strategy, it made the game fun. now you only have to do that if you’re using 4* characters

  6. I got three stars on floor 12! it's also my first time even making it there, and i definitely didn't expect to get any rewards lol. maguu kenki killed my team, so it ended up just being Kokomi soloing it, but she did it with three minutes to spare and got me that one star! 😀

  7. I don't have much time lately to spend 3-4 hours trying to squeeze 1.000.000 DPS in 3 min… those Hydro Heralds of 12-2 felt sooooo annoying, and the Maguu Kenki… I'm really bored of him. I don't wanna drop the 36* streak but man… I feel so… lazy… 33 stars seem just right for the amount of effort they require and the reward they give. Theese later 3 should give like at least 1600 primos to make it worth the trouble.

  8. The moment where i spent an hour doing floor 12 is a pain, i got through it but gained not even 1 star. I just wanted to get the achievement, nonetheless I still have to build my character more over haba


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