Complete the Sacred Sakura Cleansing Ritual Genshin Impact All 3/3

Complete the Sacred Sakura Cleansing Ritual Genshin Impact All 3/3 locations video. Complete the Sacred Sakura Cleansing Ritual All 3/3 Genshin Impact game walkthrough.

Complete the Sacred Sakura Cleansing Ritual 1
00:00 1 Start Electro Totems Araumi Puzzle
02:08 2 Complete underground puzzle with Memento Lens
02:59 3 Collect Scroll-Shaped Ward Location
04:07 4 Complete

05:38 Complete the Sacred Sakura Cleansing Ritual 2

Complete the Sacred Sakura Cleansing Ritual 3
09:08 1 Search for the source of the strange voice
10:01 2 Talk to the Weird Statue
11:33 3 Find the little tanuki
13:50 4 Report back to Ioroi
15:04 5 Head to the location of the barrier
16:08 6 Destroy the barrier

Inazuma Genshin Impact is a free-to-play action role-playing game developed and published by miHoYo.


48 thoughts on “Complete the Sacred Sakura Cleansing Ritual Genshin Impact All 3/3”

  1. Complete the Sacred Sakura Cleansing Ritual 1

    00:00 1 Start Electro Totems Araumi Puzzle

    02:08 2 Complete underground puzzle with Memento Lens

    02:59 3 Collect Scroll-Shaped Ward Location

    04:07 4 Complete

    05:38 Complete the Sacred Sakura Cleansing Ritual 2

    Complete the Sacred Sakura Cleansing Ritual 3

    09:08 1 Search for the source of the strange voice

    10:01 2 Talk to the Weird Statue

    11:33 3 Find the little tanuki

    13:50 4 Report back to Ioroi

    15:04 5 Head to the location of the barrier

    16:08 6 Destroy the barrier

  2. So, here's my prob. after I did the second ritual it still dosent sho wi have done it neither did painin said anything after i completed it, it's still showing that only 1 of em is done and i don't know what to do 💀💀

  3. i was going to die at the kamisato place cleansing so i teleported out of there to the statue of the seven the minute i finished the fight and you're saying i have to go back there again for some stupid dailogues?

  4. So i was exploring the map and i did the araumi puzzle before actually knowing that i had to do it bc its part of a mission so idk what to do at this point i think i cant go forward bc m stuck like its not telling me (1/3) or sum so any idea on what to do?


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