Let’s Play Genshin Impact (PS5)
This is a First / Blind Playthrough of Genshin Impact!
Full Playthrough Playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEJNZQhnNHyv8J2JCcC8HF21D-maxxvfq&si=fUwrYpcV_XKZFe42
00:00 Intro
8:54 Delusion Factory Domain (Archon Quest)
20:13 Meeting The Balladeer
33:44 Anti-Raiden Shogun Training!
51:05 Meeting Sayu!
1:03:31 Distracting the guards with fireworks!
1:13:20 Tenryou Commission Headquarters (Domain)
1:24:17 Signora Boss Fight
1:40:53 Ei Boss Fight
2:10:55 20 Standard Wishes!
2:15:43 Opening up Seirai Island & Tsurumi Island
#genshinimpact #playstation #PS5
💜 Hi! I’m Yuni! I’m a gamer from Finland.
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candace & favo lance are a pack u can use if u want to build her
You can see Yae Miko's fox form at the end of her trailer. She's resting on the Genshin logo 😀
You can play raiden shogun story quests as the continuation of inazuma main story
I forgot that Teppei died😭
Raiden is so cool🫠 her aura is craaaaazy
I remember exploring inazuma with my boat couple years ago, this brought back memories
2:28:20 I play Genshin since release and i agree that nowadays, Genshin offers so much content, it probably takes 1000+ hours if you want to do everything. It is crazy. Funny, that the game is not even finished yet. There is much more to come
I'm going to be honest, those Flower and Feather Deepwood Memory artifacts are CRACKED! Like genuinely amazing! Only one wasted substat roll? Wow. I've been playing 4 years since release and yours are on par or better than mine.
That said, you do not need them to be THAT good, especially for the other 3 slots (only 2 of which need to be from DM set). Even if there are 3-5 "bad" substat rolls, that's still a REALLY good artifact, especially for Sands/Goblet/Circlet. And Nahida is REALLY flexible on usable mainstats stats. Her Sands can be EM, %Atk, or %ER mainstat (in order of roughly best to worst). Her Goblet can be %Dendro Dmg, EM, or %Atk. Her Circlet can be Crit Damage, Crit Rate, EM, or %Atk. ALL are really good on her. Most likely you'll end up using an off set %Dendro Dmg Goblet as those are really hard to find on the right set. And EM main stat artifacts are some of the rarest in the game (only 0.25%, or 1/400 of artifacts you find in the Domain will be an EM Deepwood Memories Goblet). So any artifacts with one of those right main stats and any 2 good substats are worth leveling up and see where the extra substat rolls go into. If the good substats keep getting upgraded, it's really good. If ALL the substats go into the bad substats, then it'll be usable for now but easy to replace in the future.
Yes, Nahida loves EM, but those other stats are very important too! Just don't want your standards or expectations to be too high and end up spending more time grinding than necessary. It has killed the fun for many Genshin players and is meant to be something to grind once there's nothing else to do. That said, your angry Radish will absolutely rip and tear!
Glad ur enjoying the game
Hey yuni , I wanted to ask? Do u do co op with your viewers and is there a sever discord I can join? , because I’d love to play with you on genshin , mabye teach u some things as we explore
From the characters you’ve got, I’d prioritize upgrading the following:
1. Nahida
2. Xingqiu
3. Mona
4. Kuki Shinobu
5. Xiangling
6. Fiscal
7. Barbara
You shouldn’t focus on too many characters at once, as it will drain your resources and you end up with many half built characters. That’s why I would personally only select these 7. And if you can get the first 4 characters well equipped, they make for an amazing hyperbloom/aggravate team. Xiangling is a very useful character in the abyss for pyro applications. Fischl is a good off-field DPS, and she hits extra hard if Nahida has applied dendro already. Barbara is for healing, and honestly I think she is quite underrated. She can also create bloom reactions easily with Nahida.
– At the beginning of your video, I noticed somethings…. Using nahida 1st to apply her mark on all enemies is correct but there is no need to normal attack them with nahida, then use barbara to apply hydro to those marked enemies to create dendro cores, then switch to fischl to cast her bird to apply electro, resulting in hyperbloom. Then switch back to barbara to keep applying hydro to continue creating dendro cores for fischl's bird to hyperbloom. Repeat the rotation.
– The reason why diluc is doing more damage I'm guessing you build him ok thus the damage came mostly from diluc.
– 1 thing you need to know is that for hyperbloom to do a lot of damage, your electro trigger character need to be in full EM, as high EM as possible, for the higher the EM the higher the hyperbloom damage.
– Dashing also serves as an evade with invincibility-frames from attack, so just dash when attack is about to hit you. Jumping is of no use.
– The candace you pulled came with her signature weapon… the favonius lance! lol
Idk if anyone has mentioned it already but when you press dash, it counts as a dodge if you time it correctly, you won’t get hit by attacks. It takes some time to learn, but the earlier you start to learn, the more it will help you in the long run. Of course the timing of dodging also just comes with the experience of knowing your opponents attacks, so it takes some experience too.
I also highly recommend building Xingqiu and Kuki shinobu to replace Barbara and Diluc in the future. This is only a recommendation, so play whoever you want, but I’d say that team will be the easiest for you atm.
As for builds, I usually don’t recommend new players worry too much about artifacts until at least AR40 to 45, however if there was 1 thing I would prioritise asap, is simply getting Xingqiu as much Energy Recharge as you can from; an Energy Recharge weapon, equip an Energy recharge Sans Artifact (The Timer/Clock) with ER as the main stat and level that one at least. Additionally you can try and equip 2x Energy recharge artifact set combos for the other 4 if you can, you don’t need to worry about levelling them.
I say all this becuase Xingqiu is the only character in the recommended team above that relies on his burst, and want his burst recharged as quickly as possible.
Before proceeding to Sumeru, I highly recommend you do the two story quests for Raiden Shogun! The first one solves a lot of post-vision hunt decree problems, and the second is absolutely amazing! (Especially if you’re into lore)
“Hello everyone” has become a joy to hear cos there’s a new Yuni video. Perfect for my last day of work before flying to Taiwan in a couple of hours. Happiness…
Ganyu's and Raiden's story quests will be the ones to do next (make sure to do Ganyu's before Xianyun's, for a better experience). Raiden's is most important though, since getting through hers are required to unlock all of the other Inazuma ones. Story-wise, I personally recommend doing Raiden's first, and then the Inazuma ones in the order they unlock after that. The next 2 interlude archon quests are locked behind Inazuma story quests. I can't say anything more without spoiling part of the story, but I strongly recommend doing the Inazuma story quests sooner rather than later instead of just going along the list in order. Getting through both of the next 2 interlude archon quests before Fontaine will improve the Fontaine archon quest experience. Ones like Hu Tao, Xiao, and Albedo don't lock you out of too much if you delay on doing them so they can be done as a stand-alone any time you feel like it. Sorry for being a little cryptic, but doing things in that order will provide the best experience and smoothest progression feel.
Also, the anti-Raiden Shogun training was intended to teach dodging. Tapping the sprint button right before getting hit by an attack will cause you to dodge the attack. As long as it is an attack you can dodge, which most in the game are. Dodging is very useful once you get good at it, I often run teams entirely without a healer or shield since I can avoid almost every attack.
And for Seirai and Tsurumi, you start that world quest chain at Katheryn in Inazuma. It is "Seirai Storm Chasers". Once that chain is finished, you can unlock the quest chain to open Tsurumi (also at Katheryn).
Unfortunately I can't catch your streams, but it is great to be able to watch them when they are posted here. I've been really enjoying it. I've personally played through the main story up to Fontaine 5 times (and through Natlan twice), so it has gotten a bit stale for me even though it is great. But getting to watch someone else react to it the first time means I can enjoy it all over again.
Glad you’re enjoying the game! IMO the best is still yet to come, it just gets better and better. Thanx for the fun vid!
damn she got no clue how combat works
Great playthrough. I second the recommendation to complete both of Raiden's story quests before moving on to Sumeru.
Not only you have ended the main story of Inazuma today, but also properly met Yae and Sayu! What an episode!! 😀
– Another tip: when you fall from whatever reasons, be it out of stamina etc, just fall and press attack when you are reaching the ground. This way, you will do a plunge attack from a reasonable height and negate all fall damage. Do not plunge from high in the air as it will still do much damage as seen with your diluc.
– You are missing dialogues with characters, eg you can talk to yae miko again before going after kujou sara etc…. you can also talk to takayuki before leaving…. lol
The community in general tends to look at Inazuma's story on a bad note but i think Raiden Shogun's Archon Quest is pretty godo for the time it was made up. BTW don't forget to do the character quests, they are requirement for advancing the Interlude before Sumeru story.
you need to trigger blooms with electro to cause hyperbloom damange
1:52:56 – There's Yae Miko in her fox form 😊
That thunderstorm island is the place where raiden did wars against thunderbird. And the foggy island is where the thunderbird came from. It is more of a map at sangonomiya underground (enkanomiya) if you want to explore more.
Anyway Characters you want are exactly my idle team, Klee, Yae miko, Kokomi, Nahida 😂
Do nothing rip everything 😅
As suggestion look for required story quest for archon quest you don't have to do all for archon quest only special one's like archon one
Later on you can do story quest 1 by 1 since there are so many
It's uo to you can choose to do slow by doing every story quest then move on to next archon or
Make priority to archon quest and do story quest which are required for archin one
Since you are exited about nahida's story and all i recomend giving priority to archon quest since that's the main story of the game
Please watch tutorial on how to fight, you're doing it wrong.
Switch between characters more so you'll have more elemental reaction.
It’s cool seeing new players experience this beautiful game ❤
People can say all they want about Inazuma, but it still has some of the most epic scenes in the entire Genshin
Hey yuni,
One thing you could give xiangling the favonius lance that you got. It is pretty good exactly for her