I love Sayu she’s so fun and VERY unique. She’s a good anemo healer/support/sub dps, with a playstyle unlike any other character before her (but can also be used as a 4-Star Jean).
Follow my Twitch : https://www.twitch.tv/zy0xxx
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Zajef77 (friend77 and math guy77):
Rolling around with Sayu is incredibly fun. She’s also like a 4-star jean for f2p players as well, and with her c1 she can be especially great (good at c0 too though).
i hope you guys enjoyed the vid & i really appreciate likes & subs
also watch till the end for a surprise i added lmao
Initial Info (0:00)
How To Play Sayu? [Talents/Playstyle] (0:38)
Artifact Sets (5:39)
Artifact Stats [EM or ATK?] (6:42)
Weapons (9:34)
Constellations [Very Good] (13:08)
Teams [Important] (15:05)
Abyss 12 Showcase [C0 Support/Sub-DPS] (18:05)
Overall Thoughts (20:45)
Jim Yosef – Firefly [NCS Release]
NCS: Music Without Limitations
NCS Spotify: http://spoti.fi/NCS
Free Download / Stream: http://ncs.io/jyfirefly
Sayu is so much fun lmao i love rolling around everywhere
Slight audio bug @ 15:41 idk what happened mb
also come watch me live @ https://www.twitch.tv/zy0xxx tonight … its my birthday so u have to come say hi or ill be sad 🙁
also for exact calcs on EM vs ATK, the keqingmains discord has helpful public graph/calcs if you wanna know more than what I explained in the video.
The Sayu+Kaeya combo actually won't work because Kaeya's ult is weird and icicles hitting the enemies doesn't mean they'll take damage
What artifact and weapon does ur xiangling use in this vid??
oh so so sort of Bennett caveat clone in rules so if u r close 2 70% i bet it's just heal the remainder, being incapable of healing u any further
3 Xinyans, a Diona🙄 and a Yoimiya later….still no Sayu😭 I love Yoimiya but I want Sayu so bad damn
wut, the elemental mastery just increased from 699 to 746 5:45 6:43
Thanks for the guide ive been checking out ever since sayu came out lol
also happy belated birthday
School starts again next week and I need to focus this semester.
Thanks for the guides boss, I will install the game and subscribe again once the semester is over.
Take care ❤️
man the amount of bell claymore you have… I thought im the only one whose lucky with the bell XD
mfs keep tempting me wit sayu but im saving for raiden
Uhm, what if I want her to be main dps? 🙁
Sacrificial or FAvonious? for support Sayu…
Should i farm more artifacts to have all elemental mastery on sayu
Bec i have atk%,anemo dam bonus and elemental mastery on her
While i have a lvl 70 Bloodtainted greatsword (the three star) on her
When noelle ?
yo is the new inazuma set Eblem of Severed Fate good for xingqiu?
I told myself I wasn’t going to pull on this banner bc I was so close to pity and I really want Baal but after the test run I had to do one 10 pull to try and pull Sayu. I ended up pulling yoimiya, xinyan, diluc, and Diona in two 10 pulls! Stopped there since I’m f2p and don’t have a ton of primogems so I wanted to save for Baal again but decided to try one pull tonight after those 10 pulls and got Sayu!! 😭 super excited I got yoimiya and Sayu and now guaranteed Baal! Just gotta make sure I have enough pulls for pity now 😭
Would sayu be good with Ayaka?
So does crit stats matter if we are running EM on main stats?
Ever hunt with Sayu? Roll and chase those running m.fker.
I spent 40+ wishes for her and still haven't gotten her… I got yoimiya early which was unlucky cuz I was saving my gurantee. Also still haven't gotten a sac sword for water boy. So in the end I got 2 xinyans, 1 eye of perception (catalyst) and yoimiya
I really wanted her but i ended up getting a Yoima that is useless for me instead
I wanted Diona for my Ayaka's battery but got C6 Sayu instead, no Diona. This video helps me healing my lost primogems 🥺
bro i love ur videos and ur guides…but plz try to slowdown when u speak….i prefer to watch a 40min min and enjoy it from to strungle to understand it at 20min video…:)
I guess they notice their friend is gone
I don't understand how u cleared every chamber in a minute ..
Are zhongli n xl are both have copium pieces os what
Her friends are gone I'm dead🤣🤣🤣
i got sayu fourth single pull😵💫
No one:
Zy0x: childe with da healing bonus circlet
Can Sayu's ult trigger the WGS's passive while she's not on the field?
Bro you don’t have to comment about your voice sounding different all the time lol! We don’t care about that just keep putting out that great content!
i have fischl c6 and childe as my 2 dps … so Rainslasher seems the best option. I wonder if the sub stat of the weapon works with the elemental hability. Say, if oz deal electro stat onto oponents, will sayus hablity have its damage increased by 20…
Sayu works great with Xiangling. And she can be used with other characters, but did I mention she works well with Xiangling? Also, we can talk about how she can replace Jean in any team, but she can go in any team, especially those with Xiangling. And now I'm going to show you a showcase with her and Xiangling.
When you Sayu, you won't go back.
i'd put her with kaeya and xingling with zhongli or
alternatively if i'd go for anemo battery. I'd go with 2 noblesse 2 veri with venti.
not gonna lie, i dont understand anything of what he says but i trust him 🦔
love your content great info and clearly spoken, keep it up your doing great.
Shes voiced by Lilypichu :00000000
Long story short, Sayu is awesome
Just got her after realising that I have a 100% change of a 4 star
Nice Vid <3 One Question tho… i´m curious if i should level up all my chars to at least level 50 to get the 2 free wishes ? is it worth ?^^
first anemo character that dosent succ( i mean like literally has no sucking ability)
My team: Sayu, Klee, Diona, Qiqi. Trust me its so fun to use them. Whole LOLI squad.
should i use skyward pride which i have r2 sadly my only 5 star weapon or fav greatsword
is it worth it to level up sayu to 90? or is 80 enough?
She sure is fun if she was EM build cos of her healing the more EM the more heal for your party member that insane ^^
gonna need a Bennett vs Sayu video now
How she roll my doesn't roll
Im not sure if its an optimal team but i use ayaka, diona, xingqui and sayu. Having so much fun 😅💥
Watching this because I have a c5 sayu I got while pulling for yoimiya.
xiangling’s Q + fischl’s E + sayu’s E = ROLLING OVERLOADS
xiangling’s Q + barbara’s E/Xingqiu’s Q + Sayu’s E = ROLLING VAPORISING
Oh look, another fun four star that the goddamn gacha screwed me out of having (same with Yanfei even though I did full rolls to pity on both of her banners kekw). Will I need to grow to resent her too?