Kamisato Ayato is a 5* hydro sword character in update 2.6 of Genshin Impact. In this video, I will cover Ayato’s best artifact choices based on the leaks we have. I talk about his best sub DPS, DPS, and burst damage builds. This is complete Ayato Artifact build guide. #Ayato #GenshinLeaks #KamisatoAyato
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Waiting for weapon ranking too. Hope his bis 4* will be black sword.
For the cooldown. You just shift to your supports, do normals (1/2 hits each party members), do their burst and skills for support then go back to Ayato and use E skill again. I dont see this as a big problem as you are implying siince most abyss teams works like this.
Thank you 🙂
I'll just get 2 heart of depth and 2 shimenawa/gladiator
I can’t wait to use jade cutter on him I might also just use 2 HoD/ 2 piece glad even though there’s supposed to be artifacts coming out for him and xiao
Damn what's with all these high energy bursts costs? Oh well looks more fun than yae
as an fyi, the new set isn't actually gonna be as good as 4pc HoD, since HoD gives damage %, while that new set only gives you 60% of your attack, which is a just a flat damage bonus. The 15% hydro dmg bonus on 2pc HoD would also outscale the 18% on the 2pc EoaO, as long as you run a standard atk sands, hydro cup, crit circlet build.
He can use 4pc Heart of Depth, 4pc Glad, 4pc Emblem, 4 pc Noblesse, 4 pc Shimenawa and 4pc Echoes of an Offering. I’m so confused
I'm so glad he's probably going to work well with emblem and HoD because ive been meaning to farm those domains for some time to fix up my raiden and kokomi but now i finally have a better reason to 🙌🙌
I just want to know if you want to run an hp or atk sands since his skill gets buffed from hp
Which one is better? 4 pc hod for hydro dmg and 30% normal atk damage after skill or 4 glad for atk% and consistent 35% dmg bonus on normal atk? I dont like the new artifact on him its too much rng for his short skill duration. Also i think Yunjin would be a great support for him. Aside from the normal atk buff i think she has one of the fastest normal atk on all of the supports to help reduce ayato's skill. I hope they reduce his burst energy cost and reduce his skill cooldown or just buff his multipliers if they are not gonna reduce those
I don't recommend blizzard since his weapon (jade cutter/BiS if you have) already have substantial Crit Rate and easily covered with Crit substat and if you put him on freeze team, I honestly think it's better on the Cryo dps like Ayaka or Ganyu.
I'm thinking of using Zhongli, Yun, Ayato and Yoimiya. Zhongli shield and burst, Yun burst, Yoimiya ult, 6 secs with Ayato doing vaporize NA, ults, shield and Yun burst, then finish with one rotation of Yoimiya NAs. 🤔 The only problem here is healing if there's corrosion and managing all ults, but it's doable. Gonna use black sword on him and HOD. If the new set end up being his BIS, since I'm gonna farm for Xiao I can make a set for him too. But I think the other set gonna be great for Yoimiya and he will be best on HOD.
Do weapons too cause i pre-farmed the amenoma
2 piece emblem 2 piece HoD??