Ayaka comes with packed DPS and Damage capabilities with ultimate sustain as she is cryo, she is able to never die with certain team composition and playstyle. Her skills and abilities make it so that she can dish out DPS/Damage never before and with the complete Ayaka Build Guide, this Ayaka Build will enable you to do DPS never before in Genshin Impact.
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Xingqiu Build Guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rOJhIGihcKg&t
Beidou Build Guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7OED4MFZic&t
Zhongli Build Guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ulVRvhzBwS8&t
00:00 Ayaka Skills and Abiltiies
02:32 Ayaka Elemental Reactions & Team Comps
03:34 My Ayaka Build
06:46 Ayaka Artifact Builds
08:30 Ayaka Weapon Builds
I often just listen to your videos in the evening because you have such a calming voice that makes it easy to fall asleep 😅
Amigo no puedes poner sub en español gracias
Which is better on Ayaka, 2 blizzard 2 noblesse or two blizzard 2 glad? I don't have a full blizzard set
what can i do if a don't have bennett?? 💔😭
Tf this voice is making me drowsy
Your voice is amazing omg😂❤
Is the flute good for her?
amber c6 showcase when?
I have about 83 fates atm and im completely f2p since the start and willing to stay a f2p, i just pulled the mistsplitter.. im so confused as getting ayaka or wait for baal, please help
A side note my main dps is Keqing
I always get trash artifact 😭
Not even 1 crit DMG or rate artifact
Should I use the anemona keguchi or the skyward blade?
The maiden cracked me up but I think that will increase her black sword heal? Hahaha
Her ult is monster I do like 500k or more with her ult after Little buffs
bang link gambar ayaka yg HD nya dong
So the 4 piece blizzard set is best for cryo dps ayaka? I’ve been using 2 piece blizzard and 2 piece nobless but now I’m thinking I should use the 4 piece.
Technically mona is ayaka 2.0 cause ayaka was leaked before game even started
Yall how do you guys build mona as ayaka's buffer IM absolutely dumb or do i just put some noblesse artifs on her HELP😭
Essa cara é br o sotaque eu reconheci
NEVER take this down please..
I have 203% crit dmg and 52% crit rate on her, yet my highest dmg is only 65K and that was once, with event buff. What am I doing wrong?
@Ayden Hwan
their is unlimited way of stamina crossing tactic for ayaka now when crossing the waters taptap the walk button while sprinting to have unli stamina
Your kamisatto is midget x game's mode my guy
I'm a low spender who does 200-2k normal atk and 4k -6k skill and with Amber's burst, kokomis skill than ayaka skill was 11k record for me😎
maiden ayaka cracked
for now, mine ayaka has 264 CD 55 cr 1600 atk. She do 14k per tick in permafroze team (with buff no food) and 17,9k per tick in double pryo team (no food, her ult was lvl8)