Citlali became the most hated character in just one update. In 5.2, her personality completely changed. Back in 5.1, she was known as the unique, respected, and likable grandma. Fans are really disappointed with this shift in her character. It feels like she lost her original personality and the grandma vibes that everyone loved.
#genshinimpact #hoyocreators #citlali
pov : people trying not to fucking go crazy over something remotely, very remotely romantic
That's called character development. Also hagmaxxing.
One sentence.
Oh no she isn't gay granny
I don't care, she's a damn good nani.
Sometimes a character isn't seen as people inside their own world at all…
If I had a penny for everytime genshin fandom were upset about anything
They dont have a gf
Whether this complains are valid or not, we must always remember to never see something or someone from a single perspective only. Everything and everyone is bound to have flaws. We must always be able to see both the good and the bad
Personally I dont care. My dps faruzan needs her drinking buddy
Genshin cry baby when they see straight ship 😡😡😡😡😡😡
Dont listen to twitter OR tiktok both of them just complain and complain and complain
i kinda agree, and just to be sure, we are not mad that citlali is "straight" we are mad that the fanservice is becming her whole personality, i personally, still really like her as a character. but i understand why people are upset.
Western fandom things
lets gooo
Wow, a woman, liking a man?! It’s almost like that humans biology!
We don't care . We love citlali 👁️👄
They did something similar with one npc being friendly to Lumine than Aether. So its even out.
Also WuWa would never.
I swear to God genshin community is fking sensitive to everything man just enjoy the vibes I play the game too just get over with it 😭
I can bet my left kidney that the people complaining about Citlali are the same people who keep begging for a skip button in a story-type game.
This is why I loved Lumine more. Not much of a drama and the Lumine community just minds their business.
I still love her as character and nothing has changed actually, the only thing that changed is you likely skipped lore and dialogues only to realize hey what? This is why you don't skip and fast forward through an RPG but people will just be angry because they are angry I guess. This is much like how older folks in offline life are grumpy and standoffish because no one wants to talk to them but when they meet someone who actually cares to see them for them and doesn't feed into what everyone else says about them they may invite them over for snacks or just wish to help them because they heal their soul and make them not feel isolated. I guess people are so out of touch with themselves they don't realize how social vs psychological influences change our lens of observation and you know skipping dialogue.
They gonna add the sucrose animation too and im so gonna pull
womp womp pride flag
Nah, she tryna make me like her, well… Its working
It isnt the first time a reaction has been different for a character. Wasnt there that one NPC that eas really into Lumine? Forgot their name.
She's just a bit goofy,if you can't stand a character that has actual personality just shut up
Why are y'all even trying?
They all wanted Mavuika to have a cool bike since her introduction and STILL started hating when she actually did.
Why would anyone hate the cute granny for a stupid reason citlali isn't lesbian she straight what did they expect she being lesbian when Lumine and Straight when it's Aether
The Reason she acts like this is that Travelers gives her what she likes and treats her like she is in her 20's made her think that Aether likes her and for Lumine she thinks that she thinks of her as a friend
Proud citlali hater
Isn't tsundere when she acts like she does not care, but actually cares? If she just acts like she like Traveler all the time, that's not tsundere
I kinda agree with them tbh
People who have time for this stuff is oof
Well,shes not gay
I'm pretty sure if it was the other way around (Citlali blushes more towards Lumine than Aether), nobody would make a fuss about it. Genshin fandom loaths straight ships.
If the character isn't gay or lesbian (fun fact: none are confirmed, just headcanon that these people have), they deserved to be removed from the game entirely.
My message to the haters. Ahem…WHO THE FUCK CARES?!
Why can't they just shut and play the game 😂
That one scene out of the whole game is able to change peoples perspectives to a character. Wow
The moment I heard her voice I hated her.