Childe Was Buffed!? Updated Childe Guide – Artifacts, Weapons & Showcase | Genshin Impact

Along with Genshin Impact’s version 2.0, there were some secret buffs for Childe that made him even more amazing as a DPS unit …


34 thoughts on “Childe Was Buffed!? Updated Childe Guide – Artifacts, Weapons & Showcase | Genshin Impact”

  1. Gotta say, Childe is just feeling top tier right now.
    Hope this guide was helpful and if you have any questions or want to discuss anything related to Childe builds, leave it in the comments

  2. cool, i'll try getting both hu tao and childe, is gonna be really hard since im f2p but my pity is in 76, i have like 31 wishes saved plus 5 from shop, 50/50 tho so if i dont get childe i'll just go for hu tao idc lmaoo

  3. I got keqing at 77th pity… Then childe at 23rd pity and ive never been happier in my life

    Yes he might not be the best dps like hutao but i feel satisfied in his riptide and that burst animation is very 👌👌👌

  4. He's my main since his first banner and im glad he got buffed up. Im still running with 4pc hydro set and he's comfortable with xiang and baal, bennet is there for the heal and pyro res. He's godlike with 200% up crt dmg. I only managed 240 % crit dmge with skyward

  5. Thank you for summarizing shimenawa artifact for childe, im really having a problem in HoD artifact cuz that domain keeps giving me blizzards for 6days straight. And shimenawa is more easier to farm ngl, i got a good shimenawa feather and it works with childe, guess im not gonna be worried about childe's crit rate bc i have his new bow

  6. after using baal he is very underwhelming childe only works well on fire enemies shields. I do have kinda bad artifacts though he's ok if I could go back I would have skipped him my kokomi does better dmg.


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