Childe is Garbage | Genshin Impact

#genshin #childe #tartaglia

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21 thoughts on “Childe is Garbage | Genshin Impact”

  1. if u play him with only NA yeah his bad.. but his play style is comb quick swap with national team xingling – bannet – kazooha/venti for pyro swirl this littery make him op..i mean with high End build xingling alone he is broken but u need alot of investment..since he really good on many characters freeze comb, overcharge, vasporize or reverse vasporize he littery good for end games player but not so for new player i got him so i like it so far my highest dmg with zhongli – bannet – xingling and him is 76k with talent lvl.6/6/6

  2. The cooldown is a big problem, but if u rlly dont wanna deal with it just have him switch early. For me, i just do like 3 quick combos and quickly swap so i get reduced CD.

  3. At this point if someone unironically complains about his cooldown, they're just outing themselves as a terrible player. If you play him right instead of being unga bunga you'd be killing enemies within 10 seconds of his melee stance and his cool down won't be a problem at all.

  4. Me: So why don't you like playing Childe?

    Them: His-

    Me internally: (It's gonna be about his cooldown, isn't it?)

    Them: -cooldown is annoying.

    Me internally, angrier: (Always with the damn cooldown…)

  5. The reason why people think childe is weak is because most characters are plain. Ganyu,just aim shot boom. Hu tao,charge boom. Xiao:plunge.
    Put up a zhongli shield and you have your simple gameplay.

    However childe is complex,you need to understand his skills,rotation etc. That's why he's fun. I got bored playing genshin but I got childe recently and It's fun again.
    P.S I am a hu tao/Xiao main myself so don't come at me with you won't understand those characters

  6. His cooldown isn't an issue when you surround him with characters that can cover for him and stay on field longer while you wait for his cd to reload.
    His playstyle isn't for everyone, I understand that. but I personally like to strategize on how to make use of his Riptide status before a fight.

  7. I also don't like his cooldown length but as time goes by I got used to it and using his melee against a grouped up enemies is just satisfying af and worth the wait


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