We got Childe last week, it’s time to finally build him, and he honestly changes a lot for our account.
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#genshin #genshinimpact #hoyoverse #deelo #childe
Remember that childe’s skill benefits from his normal attacks since its damage isn’t considered skill damage but normal attack damage!!! So to optimize your damage his na are his #1 priority, hope this helped! Love you videos, keep doing a great job like you always do <333
I don't get how Child is one of the first 5 stars and to this day has one of the most uniques abilities. Kinda sad that most characters coming out at the Moment are boring
14:11 I cried so much why was fischl so mad😭😭😭
You forgot the Gorou constellations
Why don’t you try swirling pyro with venti for vaporise?
I reccommend going either full shimenawa or full heart of depth 😀
'Childe changes everything' hmm.. sounds familiar.. 'Venti changes everything' Deelo ur not that creative at this point lol
I'd recommend putting yelan instead of diona
I will see pigs fly the day Deelo doesn't do literally every possible thing to get a 5-star bow character and have enough to make them leveled up and built. Every day we scrape by on this account.
The part where Ganyu was about to drown at Oceanid- why didn't Deelo just ice bridge, LMAO 🤣
You can buy star chonches
You know deelo kind of sounded like tartaglia
10:30 applier? 3rd youtuber that has forgotten that this word exists recently.
10:16 gasps That's the title of the video!
This video is so hilarious
leveling childe na is good it gives u more riptide dmg
it's worth leveling up his normal atk talent as well, it boosts his riptide dmg
For me Yelan and Yoimiya have the best NA animations of all bow characters🙏
DEELO where is the spears only account It’s been 3 months!?
lmao i was studying while finishing the rest of your videos that i didn't had time to watch, so i wasn't paying a lot of attention and at the end where you were like "why are you still here" It gave me flashbacks of my online classes where i would doze off and come back to the teacher asking me "hey are you still there, our class has ended" and it gave me a small panic attack for that split second lol
What?! There’s a noise for a Crit?!
Damn my headphones suck.
Yelan and Yoimiya have amazinggg NA animations! Yelan does these super epic kicks and stuff (idk okay, she hasn't come home yet 🗿), and Yoimiya does these cute little flips and jumps. They're both so cool and satisfying to look at!
Every time a genshin YouTuber says their crit ratio is not bad and it’s like amazing af makes me cringe every time
Did u just give childe yelans artifacts? Yelan deserves better :')
I lowkey wish i pulled for childe on his last rerun he seems really fun and i love his personality but i have to save to get ayaka for now. I do have ayato so i can wait until hes coming back for another rerun soon