Characters That EASILY Hit 1 MILLION in Genshin Impact May 15, 2023 by Sidneymar Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn #genshinimpact #shorts #hoyocreators #raidenshogun #hutao #eula #tartaglia genshin impact tartaglia eula raiden shogun genshin impact strongest character genshin best dps source
Mona is more easily than RaidenFor Raiden you must have c2 or c3or at least c6 sara with the best supports biuld that exist Reply
Tartaglia ❤
Raiden no easy 🥴
Raiden took the fight personally 💀
U forgot mona
Scaramucho is also forgotten while Tartar takes the spotlight 💀
me waiting for zhongli
U forgot ganyu😭
Mona is more easily than Raiden
For Raiden you must have c2 or c3
or at least c6 sara with the best supports biuld that exist
You forgot Dehya 😾🖕
Easily? Tell it to my artefakts😅
Raiden had to punish scara
What is the background music name
Aka "the one hit characters"
Why did it look like Hu Tao was singing along 😭
I like how no one is talking bout the outro
Why nobody notice the outro💀💀💀
How can I build my tartaglia to be super😭
I saw a raiden that did 8million damage before
the name of the music?
Eula is playable character?
What's the cinematic scene at the start of the video?
Ar baixo ate eu consigo
Mona crying in the corner 😢
Will it still be fun tho?
who is eula?
(Eula joke)
Yeah unfortunately most of their damage is locked away by their constellations
Whats the hu tao bulid?
As if Eula exists anymore who’s that