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C4 keqing at level 1
Yeah lemme just refund my c6 qiqi
I would love to trade my Thomas constellations :’)
I got a Qiqi on Stupid Scarapoops banner
I would refund ganyu tbh
Cyno Itto and zhongli are just collecting dust on my account I wish I could give them away 😭
I just have a preference with play styles and I’m not a huge fan of pole/claymore users
Yall can give me your cyno if you don’t want him
Okay,so if u lose 50/50 you just refund it and pull again until u win the 50/50? Thats not fair it ruins the game
Sound logic for pulling Raiden
Me with c1 ayaka that I didnt even want
Hu tao like i understand in my brain that shes probably up there for the strongest character in the game n i just cant care
I have level 80 sayu and I regret everyday so it would be nice make her level 0 and get my resources back.
That's kinda impossible cause you didn't just pay for the character but you got so many rewards that you have probably already spent like star glitter and other random characters and weapons
Got those melons 💀
Hmmm… While it may be a good idea, isn't demo created to feel out the character before rolling for it? Similar to how new games create a demo version for us to play before buying the full version?
In terms of system, how many primos should the game allows you to refund? From the first of 90 pulls? What if you got that character before reaching 90 pulls, should the system still give you a 90 pull worth of primos? If not then how should the system calculate the refunded primos without loosing profit and potentially redesigning the gacha system? Is rate up character still relevant if refund is available? And like I said in the first paragraph, isn't demo existed for this reason?
I started crying when I got c2 Mellon woman😭😭😭😭
no no we dont need that we need a switch botton
Fortnite has like 3 refund tickets a year, genshin should have something similar
Doid you know….
We need a refund…
Thing is, I had the melon woman since waaay back from her first banner, and make no mistake, I love her. I also love my lil' jackal boi, that I pulled for, lost the 50/50, pulled again til he came home, and got his signature weapon, and I don't regret a SINGLE PRIMO I've spent on him 🥰
Bruh I have a lot of characters that I don’t use anymore-
I mean it can but
Just if it doesn’t include the permanent banner characters
you like what
cringe wale moment:
Me with ayato 😭 i love him and i pulled for him on release but i just cant use his playstyle anywhere
I will DEF return, gorou and miko
I want nahida
I mean with dendro healer you can use both I aggravate teams and Cyno is really strong
I'm just imagining a sinister voice saying: "You have made your choice! Now live with the consequences!"