Character Demo – "Nahida: Boundless Bliss" REACT | Genshin Impact



20 thoughts on “Character Demo – "Nahida: Boundless Bliss" REACT | Genshin Impact”

  1. You got Xiao's hair! That looks so cool. I don't know if you styled your hair on purpose to look like Xiao's, but it made me think of him when I saw your hair.
    Nahida is a must pull for me. I was so touched by her teaser and now her demo shows us how wholesome she is makes me feel attached to her as a character. We gotta save her! 🙁

  2. OMG I TEARED UP TOO! SO BEAUTIFUL AND SAD AT THE SAME TIME. The more I see nahida the more i realise she was all I hope for before Sumeru came out. Basically a fairy girl with cute forest spirit friends! 💕💕💕 I am so excited for her to come home!

  3. Everything here are her dreams, and dreaming is her only way to communicate to others, but since children only dreams, thats why children are the only ones here, no adults. Like in the archon quest, we saw her because we are stuck in a dream loop

    Btw I like your Hair, Xiao Hair

  4. I like how the music at the end of the demo isn't all that sad, it's a little 'upbeat' implying some hope nahida is feeling that she'll get free eventually
    And the birds flying at the end also implies she getting off the cage


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