CELESTIA: A History of Silence. [Genshin Impact Lore And Discussion]

No, no, no. We don’t talk about Celestia

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40 thoughts on “CELESTIA: A History of Silence. [Genshin Impact Lore And Discussion]”

  1. i mean we know 2~3 outsider already, maybe even all 4.

    the traveler is one, alice is one, the first of the fatui seem to be one or if he wasnt it its the old king of khanriah… and most likely the cryo archon…

    so its just a time question when the story gets revealed, i mean, who said its just 4 outsider? it could be more but the story get written by the winner of wars 😉

  2. Disclaimer. I don't have full grasp of all the current known lore but I do like to go wild speculating.
    So this made me think. What if the reason Celestia doesn't intervene against Snezhnaya is that they know it won't succeed against it. How would they know? Fate. If fate can be indeed changed what if Celestia could meddle with the fate of the Snezhnayans? This way they wouldn't need to act against the nation and would just sit back and relax.

    Maybe that is also why the Sustainer of Heavenly Principles hasn't been active. And since the Traveler doesn't seem bound by the fate of Teyvat right now what if they are the one who will break the system to save the Abyss Sibling.

    Since the sibling is part of Teyvat right now it's possible that the altered fate was the thing that sealed them there and made it in such a way that Irminsul could affect them/have info on them. The ability to affect the fate of the entirety of Teyvat could also be the reason why the Tsaritsa started the crusade against Celestia. Could also explain why it is said that she has no more love for her subjects. She has no more since she knows that they are all affected by the fate dictated by Celestia.

    Celestia having control over fate would also explain why the Abyss order would want to reweave fate with the Loom of Fate project. Either that or it has something to do with the abyssal knowledge.

    Anyways I'm going into wild theories and speculation territory but it's always fun to do so.

  3. Just wanted to put this out there, a perspective worth considering:

    It occurs to me that the Arrogance of humanity is a misconception in present times. Consider this, in early times there are a number of civilizations that utilized slavery to build their empires. The Heavenly envoys don't appear to speak out about any of that, in fact the only issue occurs when the Leaders of said human empires started looking upwards. If humans took to the stars where would that leave Celestia and for that matter the human race itself? Maintaining a leash on an enslaved and imprisoned number of people would become more and more impossible once they escape Celestia's realm of influence. There is a series called The Expanse that goes into this topic in much greater detail then I could hope to convey here now; suffice it to say that the greater the distance so is there a need for greater automony in self government and regulation.

    So what I'm getting at here is that any society that has slaves as a means of empowerment is in itself enslaved by its own need for control. Ya the old adage of what you own in fact owns you. Life is about being symbiotic, parasitic social contracts do more harm to progress then they could ever hope to benefit. (That's why A.I. as a slave race would never work but that's another topic)

    Now I totally understand desperate times call for desperate measures but other then causing controversy what was the actual need the humans required the God's for to begin with? During the Archon wars it seems implied that a great many humans went to war in the name and love for their God's. So how did that benefit humans as a whole? Clearly it didn't, it merely divided us and sewn discord and fear amongst us as a whole. What I'm trying to say here is the divine beings of Celestia didn't do much in the way of guiding humans as a whole towards prosperity. It was always about measures of control. And if humans aren't allowed to prosper and grow beyond Tehvat then I recommend watching Snowpiercer to anyone of legal age capable of comprehending the horror of growing populations in a confined space with limited resources along with a social tier system.

    Put simply, its a pressure cooker, sooner or later things are going to explode because Celestia made it such a closed system of control.

    <Extended Edit>

    Consider also that we are observing a world with 1 divine creator not a world reputed to have been created in varying fashions according to the culture of each region. Well that would have been the case had not every human had the very concept mind wiped from their consciousness and data logs by the manipulation of Irminsul. Now such knowledge is of course considered forbidden. But wait let's back up a bit, if Celestia rules over all why is there division of culture amongst each region? Why is it not, in fact, uniform? Could this be an intended outcome for segregating the human experiment in order to exploit such divisions? It makes me wonder, was the real cause for the punishment of the Dahri due to their discovery of knowledge from outside the control of Celestia or in fact because they realized the God's were in fact the greatest obstacle for the human race as a whole that needed to be overcome? Is it actually human arrogance to wish to be emancipated from such tyranny? Or is it merely the narcissism of a conquering power to believe us humans unworthy of having a destiny beyond that of being its slaves?

  4. The thing I might never get about celestia, and actually something that is frustratingly not talked about very often, is that celestia themselves are invaders not of this world. The vishaps are the true rulers of teyvat, along with probably most gods exiled to the dark sea, who refused to conform to new management. My current personal crackpot theory is that teyvat IS actually the twins' original world, but it has been so drastically changed by celestia that it is unrecognisable to them (at least at first, hence abyss sibling doing… whatever they're doing). This would explain why they are able to naturally (not using delusions get outta here) control several elements (sometimes even at one time). The only other creatures we have seen that can do this are elemental beings, mostly lizard-like vishaps, and though the enkanomiya event goes against the idea that vishaps can take on human form at the end… I'm still not quite sure of that.

    Even the idea that a human can only naturally control one element at once through a vision is perpetuated solely by celestia, who's to say that that's actually the natural order of teyvat? also, if celestia are invaders, which is concrete fact, then perhaps humans aren't even natural to teyvat either- from what i've read, the lore is a bit iffy on whether humans preceded celestia or were created by it. Also like. The link between celestia being genshin's honkai equivalent is pretty obvious so I'm not gonna go on abt that.

  5. Gods in Celestia might still be locked in war up there since they perceive and experience time and space differently…Celestia now poised to pass on new judgement over Fontaine…

    Anyhow the more updates and more lore gets released the more it seems like they're just expanding a maze to get to the actual truth of teyvat…

  6. Flower of Paradise Lost seems to heavily imply that the Second Throne may not be the 'modern anti-human rights' version of Celestia after all, since Phanes was perfectly capable of sending Celestial Nails to defeat the Second Throne, meaning that Celestia existed before the Second Throne's arrival. That being said, the fact that Istaroth is the only Shade to respond to humanity is extremely sus. Could it be that the other three Shades betrayed Phanes and allowed the Second Throne to replace them as head of Celestia? And that's why they continued to use Celestial Nails in the future? Or is the Second Throne connected to the Abyss? Because King Deshret's forbidden knowledge about Celestia vs Second Throne brought Withering into Sumeru, while Tighnari implied that Withering came from the Abyss. Honestly, the way we keep getting more answers and more questions about Teyvat's lore with each update is fascinating

  7. I do think Celestia is evil, regardless of their justifications. Beginning with Phanes and its Four Shades, they are described as inavders. Phanes and the Shades fought the 7 Dragon Lords that originally ruled over Teyvat and won, thus taking over. The reason that knowledge is considered forbidden/hersay is because Teyvat acts as a prison. Should the people learn the truth they will want to rebel, and Celestia obviously doesn't want that.

    The Second Throne really interests me. What exactly was it? A being powerful enough to sunder the heavens and rend the earth but supposedly defeated. What if wasn't defeated, possibly in hiding for now? Maybe it's the Abyss, or at least has a connection to it.

  8. Maybe Celestia/Phanes thought human caught the "arrogation" disease from the Second Who Came. Thus, the heavens nuked every civillization that question them / yearn to reach or surpass them.
    But not every human question the divine because of the Abyss. Many humans just know they can't expect someone else to get what they want the most all the time

  9. I'm sick and tired of people trying to justify Celestia. So some people did transgressions, say even in Kaenriah, does this justify the murder of an entire NATION. Men, women, and children, and turning them into mindless monsters? Not in my book.
    I hate Celestia with all my heart, and hope we get to fight them side by side with the Tzaritsa.

  10. I suppose I can't add links here but it's worth mentioning, I just found this and feel it's related:
    I just discovered that there's a lyrical version to the intro song that plays when we are waiting to enter the game the CBT version. I was able to find a video with the lyrics and I'll be honest it brought a tear to my eyes having played Genshin since first day of release. I strongly recommend looking for the video. Try looking up Genshin Impact – Dream Aria + Lyrics Asya Shepri ver.

    Honest opinion: it puts a lot into perspective


    The whole thing with the Nails vaguely reminds me of Imu in One Piece, like, the way Sabo discovered how there WAS someone sitting on the Empty Throne, meaning there IS a true ruler of the world behind the scenes, and in response, Imu completely eradicated the island they believed Sabo to be on, and said that island "Never existed to begin with", that's likely also what happened to God Valley…..

  12. I swear if celestia and the other so called gods are similar to the gods of Greek ima be disappointed lol. I was hoping for more prideful and dignify gods who don’t have such a big ego. Like the name sake I feel like if your given the title of a god you should act like one. They just act like humans with a power trip.

  13. Could it all be for nothing more than control. The forbidden knowledge, the secrecy, destroying nations at the idea of becoming a threat. The question would be what benefits does celestia have or want if anything further than assuring a position of control. It may be something like that they aren't all that powerful or it wouldn't take long to reach their level of strength once broken free from being plundered so much. This "knowledge" is just a place holder word for becoming a threat. Just as national security is brought up anytime political interests rise security is second to none rather than control.

  14. The more deep dive the lore I have more question.
    If you say at 5:48 the four shades remind me of Book of Enoch.
    Recently Ashikai talk about the four archangels Gabriel Mikael Uriel Raphael
    Could they be the four shades?🤔
    What If the mortal ask too many questions that the god launches the nails to shut them off as a punishment for being too greedy? 🤔
    What If Abyss is the genshin version of " Harry Potter- Prisoners of Azkaban"?


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