Can You Beat Genshin Impact Using Only Layla?!

Of all the support roles in Genshin Impact, shield characters have probably become the most useless ones. Ever since Zhongli came out, shield characters have become very few and far between. The only shield characters that have come out since Zhongli’s release, not including characters that get shields from constellations, are Thoma, Layla, Baizhu, and Kirara. Thoma, Baizhu and Kirara’s shields are not all that good, but they make up for it by having other parts of their kits that make them better. But what about Layla? Well, Layla is one of the only characters with a shield that can hold her own against Zhongli’s shields. Her shield isn’t AS good, but it’s still one of the best shields in the game. I’ve already done Zhongli only in the past, so I wonder if Layla can also beat Genshin Impact on her own.
I can only use Layla in battle.
Any puzzles that require another element can be completed with another character.
No healing items in battle.
No co-op.
All swords are allowed.

Inspired by: @mistahfeet


23 thoughts on “Can You Beat Genshin Impact Using Only Layla?!”

  1. Just as an FYI, Kirara basically matches Layla's shield strength, though at a cost of slightly more field time.

    At its base, it is pretty close to Layla's, coming it at 18%+2117 vs 19.44%+2288 at skill 10, and both have a 12s duration on the shield. Both ascend with hp%, and Kirara has 1k more base hp at level 90 than Layla, so Kirara will have the higher hp with the same gear. Layla can further boost her shield when using her burst with her ascension passive, as well as her C1, but Kirara has a big trick up her sleeve as well: her shields stack to create a stronger shield, and when this happens, the duration of the shield is reset. This allows her to attain a new max shield over 50% stronger than the OG one. This is something she can take advantage of in two ways. First, her tap E has a cooldown of 8s, a full 4s shorter than the duration and Layla's cooldown, so she applies her slightly weaker shield more often and stacks it to create a shield as strong as a C1 Layla's under the full influence of her passive. Second, her ascension passive allows her hold E creates up to 3 stacks, which turn into shields with 20% of her shield's strength (so 60% total) and this also stacks and resets the shield duration, though this does increase the cooldown on her E, to a max of 12s.

    Short of it, when it comes to 4 star shielders, Kirara also delivers the goods.

    Also, not sure if Xinyan should make the list of those shielders, since she came out at the exact same time as Zhongli. Technically, not after, but also not before him. She's definitely a weaker shielder, though, with a 12s duration on an 18s cooldown creating a gap in coverage, the shield strength varying with number of enemies which hinders it against bosses, and her split scaling issue.

    And that said, yay, Layla, my favorite shielder!


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