Can Genshin Impact Become an Esport? (University Invitational UK)

Last week the University Invitational UK was announced, and it looks to be very exciting. But past that, does Genshin Impact have a future as a legitimate esport?

My other socials:

The Genshin University Invitational UK: 0:00
The 4 Challenges: 0:39
Tournament Structure: 2:37
Prizes: 3:18
Skill Ceiling: 3:44
Changing Metagame (Longevity): 5:11
Provided Accounts: 6:11
Spectator Tools: 7:25
Sponsors: 7:45
Conclusion: 8:17
#Genshin #UniversityInvitationalUK #Esports


41 thoughts on “Can Genshin Impact Become an Esport? (University Invitational UK)”

  1. For those of you who are also heavily invested in esports I’m sure most of what I say here isn’t very groundbreaking, but this video is intended more so for those who aren’t too familiar with esports culture :^)

    also if they have one of these in the US I would definitely try to get in lol

  2. I was expecting something along the abyss competitions, you know the ones where they have 2 identical accounts and a pick and ban system like in league. I can see that working tbh

  3. Thanks for sharing ^
    This will be the first genshin tournament so I'll be looking closely to it. For that I'm interested but it could turn out boring when the time comes who knows

  4. Interesting way they have that set up. It'd be cool to see it spread to other areas as well, but it's not a sustainable way of doing things and there can only be official events because of the provided accounts

  5. Some of the most advanced "esports" Tournaments ive seen comes from genshin republic, an indonesian genshin community. They do their tournaments weekly and the more money youve spent on your account the more handicaps are put on you so that the fight is more even

  6. How about the competition made by the CN community that Tenten sometimes covers? IIRC they are speedrunning the abyss (which changes every patch so at least tactics must be changed every patch) where each team will ban a character from being used and pick characters exclusive to their team.

    I think if Hoyoverse wants to make a possible esports competition for GI, they have to put a permanent content in the game that allows this. Like maybe multiple game types wherein you have points at the start of the run and use those points to buy characters, constellations, weapons, refinement on weapons, artifacts with chosen stats (more points for better stats). This way, everyone are in the same playing field and doubles as a new way of testing characters at their maximum potential which might tempt some to swipe that card. Game types could be something like an infinite mob spawner wherein they will be swarmed with infinite mobs until they die and be ranked by mobs killed. Another one would be an abyss run where they will be ranked by total time spent and number of floors cleared. When ported into a competition, just allow teams to deny their opponents with characters and weapons by banning them or choosing them first like in the CN competiton.

  7. Personally I just don't see the appeal of watching this as a competitive sport. It just reminds me of those minecraft youtuber competitions where they play minigames like bingo and have mild amounts of pvp peppered in. I wouldn't consider that esports nor would I consider this genshin equivalent esports.

  8. A few tournament I watched from streamers in my country is timed boss fights. One I remember is, the streamer joined the participants' world and provide resonance only, then the participant fight a boss alone. The participant uses Hu Tao and Xingqiu and manage to beat the Wolf Lord within 30-35 seconds mark. They have a few restriction like, only one of the participants character is 5* and the 5* can't be more than C2 and only one of them can use 5* weapon. Though in finals they were allowed food buffs but the elimination is fun too

  9. I really like the collecting items event, it tests your knowledge on the game on the locations of the items, you also strategize what each member should prioritize since you only have limited time.

  10. Gotta hand it to Hoyoverse to always deliver less Primogems than what's probably warranted no matter the situation lol. First place getting a whopping 2000 primogems is hilariously low for players that are competing like this and technically helping advertise your game, not really concerned about the real money reward, just that those low primogem amounts hurt to hear.

    Add a 0 to the ends of all those numbers, HYV,, it costs you nothing lol.

  11. the first one is a joke because of how low the exp you gain is

    second one looks like the obstacle race you have in anime schools

    bridge making is a good idea on paper but I can guarantee it will be boring to watch

    boss rush looks cool but the entertainment value depends on how much big brain the competitors have(no offence but it is what it is)

    also why there is no cn style abyss run tournament wtf

  12. I've watched esports before without even playing the game and I find it pretty fun bc of their combat and how they make strategies how to beat the other contestants but I can't see myself watching genshin esports unless it's the CN tournament bc it's not exciting at all except the boss rush

  13. wow, these are pointless.
    Like seriousy though, they can just use spiral abbyss with some restriction and banning phase lol. it would be more fun and players need to think hard to make a team without bennet and using random characters

  14. what about speed run spiral abyss, the genshin chinese community has a good job of making those competitions. they have ban pick, a restriction like 5* has less that 2 constellations 5* weapons less than 2 refines all of the team artifacts point are less than 200, etc. , they even has a free swap for whichever character is on that banner

  15. can't believe so little ppl know about the abyss competitions with picks and bans that are done in china, they're really fun imo. tenten did videos about them to inform our community bc it's from CN, so that's cool

  16. The collection one would be so easy for the people who grind mats all day
    The boss rush is definitely the one members need to actually work together cooperatively (if the boss rush is in coop with other members) Since with enough teamwork you can finish a 15~ ish second setup in just like 2

  17. Actually, the game mode that's most interesting to me is the one where resources are gathered. Its kinda like the real life niche sport orienteering, and is very different skillset wise to most e sports require, as it makes positional awareness, and optimizing exploration the emphasis, rather than it being secondary to mechanic skill. And it also capitalizes on Genshin's unique niche of being an open world game. Its not the most visually exciting mode, but I'm definitely interested to see how it can be optimized.

  18. i kinda have a feeling that this event is somewhat promotional only or hoyo is trying to find out how the community react to this event regarding how casual genshin is to be come part of a competitive esports,to give them insight how to let the game grow knowing majority of the genshin community are demanding for more end game content,and whether to actually add a competitive content.
    well this is just my opinion.
    and best regards to hoyo on this upcoming event


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