Can Dendro Balance Genshin Impact's Elements?

With Sumeru being expected to arrive later this year, players have been theorizing what the implications of Dendro finally having playable characters and new reactions would be. I thought it would be worth discussing how it could potentially alter the state of the seven elements. Could it equalize the weaker elements? Or will it make the stronger elements even stronger?

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32 thoughts on “Can Dendro Balance Genshin Impact's Elements?”

  1. The only way for Keqing to become "top tier" (personally I want her to be a solid low A tier maximum) is if Hoyoverse finally captialize on high rotations speed playstyle that Keqing excel at over all other DPS. Dendro reaction may actually be good for Keqing in that sense if the reaction itself has no real speed limit, Keqing's multiplier is kept slightly on the low end precisely because her full rotation speed is already very fast, and rotation speed is another multiplier most people often don't pay attention to.

    However, the biggest limit on Keqing's damage output are:
    1. Most characters who increase Keqing's damage through buffs are too slow except for Kazuha, even Sara slows Keqing down a bit even at C6, and Bennett may as well be unusable because his buff is tied to energy which is more suited for hard hitting skills and not suited for speed. (If Keqing is at C6, Sara becomes a small hindrance)
    2. Keqing has a 12s cd and 40 energy cost on her burst, if the cd can be lowered to around 8s from mayabe an artifact set then her rotation speed increase significantly thus increase her damage output through pure speed. This mean her rotation speed would increase from 3 ult per 2 Raiden ult to 4 ult per 2 Raiden ult, which is a large increase in practical DPS.

    So what Keqing needs to become strong but balanced are:
    1. Electro-Dendro reaction that doesn't have a hard speed limit when it comes to boosting damage.
    2. A Dendro support who can keep up with her rotation speed while boosting her damage or adding subdps damage.
    3. Maybe be need a little more energy particles from somewhere, Keqing is already good at getting her ult up off cd, but increasing rotation means increased energy consumption.

    If all these conditions are met, Keqing will finally have her specialize niche, and that is pretty much what I expect Hoyoverse to do. Doesn't mean she will be meta, but she will at least be a strong DPS option focusing more on consistant fast damage instead of bursty hard hitting damage.

  2. I really hoped that dendro would allow for infinite elemental gauge or something similar. Like mixing dendro and cryo to create infinite cryo application for 10s on the enemy and then melt in that time without removing cryo aura. Same for mixing pyro and dendro and when enemy is burning you can vaporize as much as you want. Just imagine Childe if you could vaporize most of his attacks. But alas, it was not meant to be and we will get 3 meh reactions (unless scaling is off the charts).

  3. Nicely done and very insightful but um, yeah I can see why you aren't a pokemon analysis channel. You got a LOT wrong about type analysis. Dragon was OP due to lack of resistance to the type not due to its several resistances. Ice type is a great coverage move but few would use an ice type due to its weaknesses, but due to Ice's sheer offensive ability you typically slotted at least one such move on your team. Dark and Ghost had plenty of weaknesses before Fairy and in fact Dark was considered lower tier just due to how many weaknesses it had and how many types resisted it. Also dragon was only OP for Gen 5 and part of Gen 4. It's just that it was hitting Gen 1 Psychic types level of bad so they did the same patch as before: slap a hard counter type in there.

  4. I like that everyone wants Keqing to be great again. Mine is at C3 and never built her but I used her fairly long when unlocking her namecard. She’s fun, fast-paced and pretty to look at. Just suffers from stamina and low damage issues.


    Intensified and Cryo+Dendro co-existing could actually be the Keqing buff we’re waiting for. Electro RES shred + easy Superconduct benefits both Electro and Phys builds. Was hoping EM buffs tbh but this is better than nothing

  5. If Dendro doesn't somehow work with Geo or Physical, I'm honestly taking an indefinite break from the game. Not just because they're my main types of damage in how I play and I feel like they need a buff, but there's so many things they could do with Dendro but might go the safe route(reverse powercreep) like with some Inazuma characters.

  6. Balance? tbh there's no need to "balance" anything, Electro characters are broken units that even with shitty interactions with other elements they are still some of the strongest
    hydro is broken as well, being able to freeze, heal, deal dmg overtime, enable vape

  7. Well, I'm kind of disappointed because of Dendro's limited reactions. Of course I expected reactions with Pyro and Hydro, even with Electro. But no reactions with Anemo and Geo? I don't think that was a good move: Geo is related to rocks and earth overall, and plants grow or manage to grow form them. Anemo is air, and plants need oxygen to grown as well. I guess this pattern was the one Hydro took as well, since those three elements (in real life) are related to plants growing.
    I just hope the element is good and balance the meta is there's any other disadvantage. As a main Hydro/Pyro/Anemo, I'm waiting for it.

  8. Wouldn't it pretty cool if there is a character in the future where only he/she has access to a certain kind of reaction? Basically a character exclusive reaction passive. Let's say this is a geo/electro vision character, and when he causes a reaction with specifically only electro and geo, a different reaction called magnetize happens instead of crystalize. As for what magnetize would do, it can be anything the devs see fit for the character.

  9. My teory was theat in sumeru desert we gona need dendro on some wather to make cooling oasis to cool your self because of heat sein like on dragon spine you freezing and nead to fire up tourch. and why using dendro on insted of hydro or crio on dendro pleace, because it is a new element and it is a dendro region so

  10. I dunno, adding in enemies that made shields not all purpose didn't really affect my Noelle's ability to be all purpose. If anything, it gave her healing something to do while I swung her mighty blade under her shield.

  11. Well, I personally hope that Dendro's playstyle is about holding uptime on Elements.
    Let's think Burning for a second for example.
    What if the strategy was to hold both Dendro and Pyro on enemies to hold that DoT on them, which of course would make character who can deliver many hits to keep the burn up, as alternative to the usual big finishing hit. This for example would elevate Klee's value of course.

    If something similar was applied to Electro x Dendro, where the primary focus would be holding uptime of both elements – which would strongly benefit Electro as an element.

    But this is just some surface level ramblings, I'm looking forward to seeing what Mr. Hoyo is gonna pump out for Dendro

  12. Feels like this video came out a bit too late. A few months ago, this could have been a great speculation video which hopes for the best for the future.

    But at this point, we already know what new reactions are coming out for Dendro – and they are VERY disappointing. Heck, it still doesn't react with half the other elements.

  13. I'd love it if Dendro was just a general DoT kind of element. and it'd be awesome if it reacted with ALL the elements in some way. even Geo.
    I can see it rooting into the ground and causing tremors, doing DoT Geo damage, but isolated to a single spot on the ground, similar to placing a construct.


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