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#GenshinImpact #HuTao #C6HuTaoR5
Barbara SOLO Oceanid next? 😀
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When did Xiangling become so strong?
5000 what?!!
Didn’t think we’d see better than Ganyu
i just want c1 🙁
Kinda hate that i used my primos on xiao now
That was not Hutao alone. That was also staff of homa.
oh god, imagine how strong hu tao would be with dendro
Don't forget that thanks to that whale viewer, we are able to see such a powerful character
Can she even get close to do that c0 or c1?
Me and my xiangtao watching this:
Powercreep Impact
Hu Tao: survives with 1 hp
Grass: So anyway I started burning
every c6 character in that game is a beast . nothing special . give that gear and artifacts to xiangling , she l be as good if not better . at least she wont lose 80 % of her health .
Unrelated to the video but i've heard you and couple other streamers mention buying stuff for genshin using paypal, i was wondering how you do that? I've never seen that option lol
Man, he got hit like 5 times in 12 min video while soloing abyss. Like sure, whaled up Hu Tao OP, but this man is overwhelming.
Wtf hu tao just to OP, and whats the point having a party then.
She tank, dps and healer lol mihoyo really dont hold back at all
That hu tao has Tears of Denial 😱
Question let said my pity at 70 and some how pull 5star that isn't on banner and next chance I pull 5star would it be 5 star on banner event if didn't hit 90 been asking around but no answer
wanted her too… got a fkn qiqi
This game is unfair. I have spent months playing this game and bought the battle pass only once. My characters do nowhere the damage that these new characters do. It is so stupid how they raise the overall DPS level of new characters. Look at Xiao. All he has to do is jump up and down with trashy artifacts and do 20-30k damage every time, while my Keqing and even Diluc I have been using for months do nowhere the damage that the new characters do. Same thing with Hu Tao. Not even mentioning how I barely get any good artifacts.
I feel this was more r5 homa than c6 hutao
Estaba sufrieno mas que el por la muerte de hu tao. que bien lo hace
Ayo envi you can cancel you dash animation by jumping or dash(not recommended unless you have c1)
U honestly say u f2p to hurt yourself. Cuz if u did whale. U would be around here doin a one finger blindfold spiral aybss max stars…. On character no heal. And ik it would honestly come close to that.
Edit: Wrote that first part watching the vid. Right after the solo he said it 😂. Man bro a gamer
I wanna get hutao but got keqing on the other banner instead now my luck has gone back to 0 :((
My dog has awoken.
By far the best Hu Tao Showcase
Hu tao is insane, Xiao is insane, Ganyu is insane, my account crash is insane !!! 😭
Bro can someone help me fix my staff of homa I have it R2 but it’s called a Wolfs Gravestone, suggestions?
We. Need. The. Build.
jesus christ the damage is on par with my Hu Tao's vaporize/Zhongli shield damage smh
C6…откуда у вас такие бешеные деньги
Tho I got Hu tao, I really hope she is not this op. Cuz if upcoming 5 star characters wont be this ridiculous, people will start complaining and lots of content creators will suggest people to save and skip. The only way for mihoyo is to make following characters even stronger. The fuck man, this is unstoppable power creep.
How much you spend on her? I'm curious.
me who has her at c0: interesting
cries in 227 primogems (im trying to save for the next banner but but :,>)
How much did you spend
tbh hutao is not that busted hutao+homa staff is doe. that spear is broken af
Paying hundreds to make the game less fun… A loss-loss, I don't get it.
is the build somewhere in the vid? Cause like- 5k damage? Ayo?😟☝️
Solo with c6 anything? hmm, like c6 4 stars solo abyss 12?
Aiya, you got me!
Yahoo yahoo gang 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼