C3 Amber Vaporize & C1 Alhaitham Spread | Genshin Impact | 4.3 Spiral Abyss

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New Version 4.3 lineup Abyss run, this time featuring Amber Vaporize and Alhaitham Spread!

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#genshinimpact #Amber #Alhaitham

0:00 โ€“ 12-1-1
1:19 โ€“ 12-1-2
2:01 โ€“ 12-2-1
3:17 โ€“ 12-2-2
4:28 โ€“ 12-3-1
6:42 โ€“ 12-3-2
7:37 โ€“ Builds โ€“ First Half
8:56 โ€“ Builds โ€“ Second Half

โ€” Credits โ€”

Thanks to Tnbee and Vetrom for the amazing soundtracks! Visit their channel if you enjoyed the background music ๐Ÿ˜€


18 thoughts on “C3 Amber Vaporize & C1 Alhaitham Spread | Genshin Impact | 4.3 Spiral Abyss”

  1. I'm an Amber main and I have the same stats as you but my crit rate is 5% โ˜ ๏ธ almost all my characters are low on crit rate lol, one day mine will be as good as yours! โ™ฅ๏ธ

  2. Iโ€™m a Traveller main but Amber is legit one of my highest investment characters but Iโ€™m on mobile so playing her is tricky. Still fun but I canโ€™t seem to build a proper team for her. Also I donโ€™t got Furina ;-;. But it was nice to see this team and build of yours and it has given me ideas to pursue. Keep up the great work!!

  3. i started playing genshin on alhaithamโ€™s release banner, i originally pulled for xiao because he was the one i know of. but my cousin said that alhaitham was new and really good and at the last minute pulled for him. got diluc tho, which helped me a lot in early game.

  4. Hey, I have a team request! Since I do not own Navia, I can barely say if this really works, but in the latest combat part of the event I tried playing Navia and Itto in one team. I did not pay much attention to my rotation and still got the highest points in the event and it was really fun!
    So what I did was really just getting some elements from Furina and Benny, bonk with Ittos Skill, bonk with Navias skill, using her burst and finally using Ittos burst.
    I donโ€˜t know if you can make sense of this description of rotation and you would probably find a better way, so as summary, I would love to see Itto and Navia in one team while Navia acts sort of as a sub dps ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Thanks for the video with commentary!

    I gave up after being Tulpa-oneshot out of Bennett's circle 10 times ๐Ÿ˜†After that I brought a standard Hyperbloom team, but clearing Tulpa with Hyperbloom felt empty, like running an artifact domain and getting the usual DEF% circlet on an attack set.


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