Genshin Impact Beta 4.1 Fontaine Ost | Fontaine Battle Theme 4

This OST is sourced from a user named Kei-luna on Twitter/X.

Though I don’t know what’s this theme used for but popular belief it’s batlle theme for Fortress of Meropide (Fontaine’s underwater prison).


8 thoughts on “Genshin Impact Beta 4.1 Fontaine Ost | Fontaine Battle Theme 4”

  1. I'm gonna describe the feeling as I listened to it

    The beginning is like fighting in the dark against an invisible force

    We here loud rythm, we fight with force but it seems hopless, the ennemi is still standing in front of you

    It calms down, you both face each other

    Fight again
    It's getting tense

    Whatever the f is going on in the background is going faster and faster

    Loud noise again


    WHEN IN HELL ARE WE GONNA HEAR THIS OST It's not AT ALL the usual battle theme structure and I love it, it's nothing like before, mayne for a special ennemi but none of the new bosses fit this theme imo soooo idk


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